Rocket Roadster Won't Idle - Please Help

What are you running for air filtration?
You should have both exhaust and air improvements.
Most run K&N 2780s or RamAir with an assortment of exhausts.
it could well be your tune is weak but it could also be your ISCV (idle speed control valve). it sits on the front end of the throttle bodies. but again you need tuneboy or tune ecu to set it correctly along with tps.
meantime you could also turn the 7mm iirc nut on the ISCV a 1/2 turn and see if it improves the issue
Big City Thunder QQ baffles can help, they will take the edge off, give you the backpressure you need, and still allow a rumble. Just measure the inside and outside diameter of your pipes and give them the figures.

QQ Thunder Monster Baffles - Big City Thunder

This is perfect. I'm going to give them a shout. Click the link below to hear how she sounds now. It's mean and sounds like a big cam V8 but I need her to be a little more quiet.

What are you running for air filtration?
You should have both exhaust and air improvements.
Most run K&N 2780s or RamAir with an assortment of exhausts.

It's the stock filter. I bought the bike used and the previous owner did no tuning or replacement filter. I intend to replace it. Appreciate the model number for the filter.
it could well be your tune is weak but it could also be your ISCV (idle speed control valve). it sits on the front end of the throttle bodies. but again you need tuneboy or tune ecu to set it correctly along with tps.
meantime you could also turn the 7mm iirc nut on the ISCV a 1/2 turn and see if it improves the issue

Is there a schematic you'd recommend to help me find that 7mm nut?
All of that information, and much much more is available on this site, by making a small investment of your time in the Search function. You'll find creative folks who found better filters for stock, who found direct fit filters that fit under the bear claw, who found filters they like so much they cut the bearclaw, and some folks who really wanted clean air and put a scoop on the bearclaw. After you do your research you may have specific questions about the option(s) that appeal most to you, and have fun in the process.
All of that information, and much much more is available on this site, by making a small investment of your time in the Search function. You'll find creative folks who found better filters for stock, who found direct fit filters that fit under the bear claw, who found filters they like so much they cut the bearclaw, and some folks who really wanted clean air and put a scoop on the bearclaw. After you do your research you may have specific questions about the option(s) that appeal most to you, and have fun in the process.

Been a while since I've been on a forum. I'll search for answers. Appreciate it.
Been a while since I've been on a forum. I'll search for answers. Appreciate it.
Hi and welcome to the site from Australia. This idle thing is a pretty common issue, I am having it at the moment myself. If you have the original exhaust why don't you just set it back to stock with the standard tune and go from there? You might find you prefer the quieter bike and have enough power (very likely) as a stock bike. Then you will have a base to work from. Changing the exhaust and intake setup requires proper tuning (TuneECU is excellent) however for the best results you should get it dyno tuned by someone known to work with Rockets and preferably TuneECU.
Anyway, welcome to all things R3, there are plenty of very nice and knowledgeable people on this site, ask politely and you will get all the information you could ever want.
Based on your "lightly used" comment I'm going to make a few assumptions...

1) The bike had +/- 1000 miles on it when you bought it
2) since the bike had "custom straight pipes" the haimhead that had it before you had absolutely no idea what he was doing when he put them on.
3) I think I remember that it still has the stock air filter so refer to haimhead comment above

This is not a Harley. Rockets don't make noise to no avail. If you try to treat them like a Harley, as the previous owner obviously did, you get what you have now...a bike that is ill mannered. My advice to you is to take a deep breath and begin again. Either ask nicely among the folk here who probably have stock exhaust systems sitting around collecting dust and probably near free or do you homework, improve your air intake, buy a proper exhaust and enjoy a beast with ~ 160 hp at the rear wheel.

You have in your possesion a machine like no other. Treat it as such and you will never quit smiling. Treat it like a Harley and you will forever be chasing performance gremlins. Just my $0.02