Rocket Roadster Won't Idle - Please Help

Based on your "lightly used" comment I'm going to make a few assumptions...

1) The bike had +/- 1000 miles on it when you bought it
2) since the bike had "custom straight pipes" the haimhead that had it before you had absolutely no idea what he was doing when he put them on.
3) I think I remember that it still has the stock air filter so refer to haimhead comment above

This is not a Harley. Rockets don't make noise to no avail. If you try to treat them like a Harley, as the previous owner obviously did, you get what you have now...a bike that is ill mannered. My advice to you is to take a deep breath and begin again. Either ask nicely among the folk here who probably have stock exhaust systems sitting around collecting dust and probably near free or do you homework, improve your air intake, buy a proper exhaust and enjoy a beast with ~ 160 hp at the rear wheel.

You have in your possesion a machine like no other. Treat it as such and you will never quit smiling. Treat it like a Harley and you will forever be chasing performance gremlins. Just my $0.02

That is correct sir. I bought it with 4000 miles on it. It came with these "custom" pipes already on it. I intend to replace them but for now I'd like to ride it with these pipes. I'll keep a lookout for some pipes that come up for sale.
Is there a schematic you'd recommend to help me find that 7mm nut?

This is your stepper motor:


The nut is on the backside of this arm, you can see the edge of it:


@mully95 - I hope you notice i cleaned the muthah phocker up!!!!! :roll: :p
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I would just like to interject how awesome it is that nadavis has gotten such prompt and professional advice. I'm new here, and really to forums in general, but this is remarkable. I almost can't wait for some disaster to befall so I can get some great tips.

almost. not really. but you get my meaning :)
Don't tempt fate or you could end up with a disastrous disaster like @mr hunt , and I think most people here have been following that one !
You are tho , dead right . The knowledge and the readiness to share it of the guys on this forum is awesome . ;) :)
i would say u might want to spray the linkages with wd 40 (or semular) and work the throttle a little (engine off) go wot and the release quick a few times. also pull on the rubber cover of the stepper motor and give that a shot of wd 40 and turn the ign switch on and watch it move in and out. i have had to do this a few times over the years. of coarse i live in a dusty area. other areas could have their problems to.
I got my diagnostics cable in last night and got all the software and drivers downloaded. I sent HansO a message last night and kindly requested a new tune for my current setup. Thanks again for all the help thus far everyone.
I got my diagnostics cable in last night and got all the software and drivers downloaded. I sent HansO a message last night and kindly requested a new tune for my current setup. Thanks again for all the help thus far everyone.

Be patient waiting for HansO response - He stays very busy! If you do not here back from him in a couple of weeks just send him a polite reminder...............IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!!!! :thumbsup: :D
Be patient waiting for HansO response - He stays very busy! If you do not here back from him in a couple of weeks just send him a polite reminder...............IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!!!! :thumbsup: :D

Will do! In the mean time I've been watching videos about how to use the software and reading the user's guide. My mind is blown by how simple this whole procedure is. Getting $300 quotes to check and adjust the throttle bodies is now laughable seeing how easy the procedure is. I've even seen how I can smooth out my stock tune to make the bike not die so often. I'm excited to play around with it this weekend (within reason so I don't blow up my motor).