The first time it tipped was the day I picked it up! I live on a very busy state highway. My driveway is gravel and drops sharply from the street. It's bumpy where it meets the street too. But I made it in but as I was slowing to a stop, I had my feet down when almost stopped and had to use the front brake. Down it went! I've had a few drops since but not for the last 5 weeks or so until last week. (Another story.)
As for only using the rear brakes when stopping slow, the problem I have is that, say, I'm in stop and go traffic where the cars move up and stop, etc., at a stop sign. Moving up 15 or 20 feet and stopping repeatedly makes it hard for me to get my brake foot up so I've found myself with both feet down, inching up. I HATE THAT with this bike! So I only have the front brake in that situation.
That said, my stops are getting better but about every 5th or 6th stop is rough, jerking my wife forward if shes on the back, for example. Those tip-overs really psyched me out, though. Sickening feeling. Of course, I'm having a little difficulty on stops on steep inclines and I'll be doing a lot of that on my long trip to the west coast next month.
Like I said, I never even thought about this with my bikes in the past. It simply was never an issue. But those bikes were a lot lighter.
For the first couple weeks after picking up the bike, I was so spooked that I was making excuses NOT to ride and rides were stressful - particularly stops. Now I'm enjoying it but every once in a while I still get a rough stop that almost tips the bike.
This whole thing is embarrassing to admit. I never thought any bike would ever psych me out.
All that said, I would like to know more about progressive springs. I'll have to look that up.
Thanks again, guys, and I really appreciate the fact that nobody made me feel like an even bigger idiot that I feel like now!

In fact, after reading the responses and knowing that others have experienced similar things, I'm actually improving faster. When I thought it was just me, it messed me up.