Not into your political correct world. Installed and looking good. Got a late start today after working a lot of 12 hour shifts but l can hang.Cleaned and ready to go OK Some of you all like the cheap shots I do not. This thread is about the average smock doing a job and doing it right. Get real. Big difference between the stock cams and the aftermarket. 21 MM on the turning point 22 mm on the new cams. Noticed this when replacing sprockets. As you can tell one is cheap crap the other well. Really like this stuff when installing new parts. applied on both sides Stuff works great. Got her all toque down and ready to goTook four turn around but it worked out good. By far my best friend when working on a Bike well maybeShe is a 14 year old German Shepard and mean as the day is long. We get along rather well. No use for this crap if you want them for free PM me.
Damper bolt, for vibration. You ought to try getting at it in a motel parking lot at a RAA in Colorado. Kens was loose after the installed the supercharger kit. Amazing how oil finds its way out. Fortunately back then I always carried 40 lbs of tools.
Bought a small BMW made in Germany lately? Huge amounts of 'German' tech is being made in Thailand, China, and Eastern Europe these days.
Hey wasn't 'Jap' a censored racially pejorative word previously, what else has changed?
**** you all. Political correct not. don't buy cheap ****. Try at my best to buy the best available product. plain and simple. Thread ain't about your Political crap or your bull****. IT IS ABOUT BUILDING A GOOD RIDE.
Don’t sugar coat it, go ahead and tell em what you really think sonny!
I stopped by Eric Colvins shop Friday. Chatted a while and got a tour of his dyno, it’s an eddy current and he will be ready for either one of us after this week. I told him to hold a spot and we will be in touch. If you will bring the PC3 when you come I would appreciate it, I’ve got it set up with Nev. We can talk more about that later.
Hey, that moly graphite assembly lube your using doesn’t have enough friction modifier in it to effect your clutch does it?
Looks like you have things well in hand there, I’m excited for you, Go sonny!