Used his advice on first valve adjustment job. Still have notes. My last valve adjustment job went smooth and reinstalling the cams was not difficult. This time a little more involved but still not hard to do. Notice throttle body is removed. Not only is it a good time to clean adjust and lube but it frees up more room to work. Good time to clean up and lube the electrical connections. Considering the last valve cover with over 25,000 miles on it never did leak kind of speaks for itself. This is going to be a very long thread and plan on going into great detail. Time frame means nothing to me. No hurry at all. Only have weekends to work on it.
Pretty much how I would do it except id hang the throttle bodies from the bars so I wouldn't have to unhook the throttle cablel. Fuel line off at the tank and it and the injector rails stay on the throttle bodies. Also my lazy arse would leave the the batteries in place (2 in my case) 1 in you case but it would be disconnected for safety. But still basically the same way.
Wow, sorry about your mom, not sure what to tell you on that one, i'm still coming to terms with that particular hole left in life. But mentally you must be one of the toughest I have come across given everything you have had happen in the last year, and y our still grooving along, keep it up
Just thought i would mention that this weekend i have off. Weather looks good. To date i have approximately three hours into it. Since i was asked to detail the work and so many people on here are either looking at the same project or similar figure we can do that. Really appreciate the comments about my grand daughter, Mom and wife's Brother. Been a rough go but it is a thread that got moved and has now taken on a new theme. Now it is about a novice with a bit of common sense that is willing to take it step by step on how to successful replace cams. If this thread helps somebody out or even motivates someone to attempt the upgrade themselves i will be very happy. By no means am i a expert. I do not take short cuts or even attempt to save time. No fancy garage or tools just everyday stuff. Porch mechanic. Simply said if i can do it believe me so can you. Nothing magic about it. Quick run down on work so far. Gas tank removed. Fuel line in tacked just removed at connection under tank. Throttle body removed. ( take a lot of pics of connections) Don't remove vacuum hoses on throttle body remove hoses at t-connections. This way when you reinstall throttle body hoses will follow suit and line up to t-connections. So that is it up to now. From here on out it gets fun.
I'm certainly following, with the possibility of doing the same. Installing Paul's header this spring with cross over pipe. Will judge my gains once I have it properly tuned. I'm hoping to have more lower end torque. Don't care too much about extra hp and going 140 mph. To me it's all about accelleration. I've done my own shim and cam work on my Bonnie for years and don't find it difficult at all to work on. The most difficult thing was to loosen the cap screws on the cams. Interested in the low end result of the cam work. Thanks for putting out the info as you learn.
Still have about a hour of day light but knees said "your done for the day" Stuff removed today Reason is simple Wide open. Take good pictures of the coil connections and especially the front one. Cam cover will come off with a few good taps with a rubber hammer. Do not try to pry cover off with a screwdriver or you will end up sorry. Good time to clean up connections and coils. Remove valve cover on coil side. Next raise bike so back tire is off the ground. Place in second or third gear so you can turn the tire which moves the cams to enable valve clearance check. Since the new cams are a simple drop and go valve clearance will be the same as stock cams. My results after doing it twice Clearance on intake is off. To tight. 10mm to 15mm and as you can see a few are just way to tight. Exhaust is just about right. 15mm to 20mm. 17mm all the way on exhaust Yes feeler gauges do come in these sizes but your not going to find them at wall-mart. Just a footnote bike sounded great no valve noise at all but given some of the intake clearances would not have been long and could have had some problems. Writing it down on paper with a arrow pointing in direction is important. Having the proper gauges for measurement is also very important. Take the time to look at everything with valve cover off. Lucky for me no issues. Now i am ready to pull the cams. That will be in the morning. Here is something funny to say the least. Got this in the mail along with parts ordered from hermy's Wow A Harley Visa. Have had a issue with clutch safety switch. Cleaned it and upon inspection still not working right. $106.00 dollars later problem will be solved. New rubber gas tank supports. Rubber nipple on tank supports broke off. Could you duck tape it in place sure. Not my cup of tea bought new ones. Rubber on gear selector shop worn bought a new one. New clips on throttle body for secondary TPS wire bought. One broke so figure time for replacement. In the morning will be down and dirty. You try to pull the cam ladder off by going at it wrong and your screwed. Tired and getting drunk tomorrow a fresh day.