YES INDEED - Lush "street cams" fit with real life

No way Knew folks would challenge the Dyno results. I ride and live in the real world. The folks at the shop basically said nothing to fix here. Ran a base tune and looked at me totally amazed. Tired of the bullish. Look it is simple I did my homework and built a good running bike period. Very proud of that fact. My goal was to produce a Rocket X that has a **** load of toque and get up and go from a dead start. Today proofed that. Very happy with that. Hats off to viking exhaust. Hats off to the man in the tin shed. Hats off to me for getting it all together and making it happen. Play your games and say what you want but bottom line is this. DO YOU REALLY WHAT TO TRY TO TAKE ME OFF THE LINE. Good luck.

Happy to see you got her tuned! Dyno numbers are only useful at the bar or for bragging !:D What is important is a properly running bike, that is tuned well!
Software says it's a Factory Pro machine as Warp indicated. Did you check the bike before the job Sonny? If not, the shop owner may have tuned another stock rocket for comparison. You would also know on the ride home if the bike goes better. Typically I pick up from 10 to 15 hp just with cams and tune , over stock cams. The quality of the tune is more important than the brand of dyno. Good luck on your trip to Maggie Valley.
Don"t even try to go there. I will clean your whistler. Figured on that. Knew some one would challenge it. I'll simple place your **** in the dirt. Enough said. BRING IT. Ain't playing. New well before hand that it would be challenge. All I can say is lets line up and let her role. I'll smoke you. enough said bull**** walks.
If you read what @mully95 said, he figures you're actually making more hp than it sounds like. Probably a conservative dyno.
I had my bike tuned on a Mustang dyno once, and the guy told me if I get on a Dynojet dyno, it'll give me a 20% higher reading. I went to a dyno shootout a few days later and it was exactly 20% higher than I had on the Mustang.
I can guarantee Mully meant no disrespect.
Funny thing is the shop said they could improve the dyno results but it would be bull****. My response was not required. Guess i made that clear with the comment Tinkled ****less. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
A day on the dyno for sonny.
141.84 hp
152.54 ft/lbs
I learned about inertia factor on dynos.


Sonny thinks he is tickled $hitless

Yes Nash did all that. Last bike tune was not even a rocket. He went back and checked all that. was completely amazed at your tune downloaded on the bike. said it was a match from heaven..
I run the nels ecu tune 20368 tune and it runs to me I think perfect as I am not gonna be able to get it to dyno man I hope mine is a match from heaven because the widow maker likes to go. I’m gonna just roll the dice and go, the stator operation threw me off schedule.
If you read what @mully95 said, he figures you're actually making more hp than it sounds like. Probably a conservative dyno.
I had my bike tuned on a Mustang dyno once, and the guy told me if I get on a Dynojet dyno, it'll give me a 20% higher reading. I went to a dyno shootout a few days later and it was exactly 20% higher than I had on the Mustang.
I can guarantee Mully meant no disrespect.
Can’t wait to see the rajun Cajun is what we say in tn riding his monster