YES INDEED - Lush "street cams" fit with real life

So you changed cams and making 141/152 but a 2018 Roadster is making 152/158 with Ramair, Carpenter sidewider exhaust, tune.

2018 Rocket So Far

Must be dyno discrepancies. Surely to goodness you're making more than that or the 2018 Roadster is actually making less.

I know in another forum I visit they talk about dynoing engines... mopar V8s... It's a controversial subject about the discrepancies between dynos. Can't really show true numbers between two different dynos.
Don"t even try to go there. I will clean your whistler. Figured on that. Knew some one would challenge it. I'll simple place your *****in the dirt. Enough said. BRING IT. Ain't playing. New well before hand that it would be challenge. All I can say is lets line up and let her role. I'll smoke you. enough said bull**** walks.
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Don"t even try to go there. I will clean your whistler. Figured on that. Knew some one would challenge it. I'll simple place your **** in the dirt. Enough said. BRING IT. Ain't playing

Whoa.... Not sure if I set that off, or someone else? I was just say'n I was looking forward to seeing you guys in MV. I've been watching your upgrade with interest- I'm virtually stock (K&Ns + TORs) and have been considering the Lush Cams, as well....
Your all good with me. Mully 95 challenge me. I'm am more than game. Bring it my friend. I know where am at as far as the Package we have placed together. New term picked up today. after the dyno and the great folks in OKC will be more than happy to sing you a little song.
Not sure. All i know is the folks that own the shop are professional dirt tatters three generations back.
I’ll stick to whoooping hogs, vettes, ****** rockets, with the touring rocket and letting the 200hp guys do there thing, especially since my skills in them mountains will definitely keep the widow maker in check and in line knowing them guys will leave her in the dust, I must say I’ve never experienced that feeling of the widow maker having to bow, but humbled I bow. Just wanna make it home not being a burden to the family
Rein in the horses Sonny --our very own Mully did not challange you he is only asking a question that I was ready to ask also, now the biggest bang for the buck is to let the engine breath and exhaust that usually gets you quite a few ponys for a reasonable cost now after that you start doing cams, heads, pistons more labor intensive and more expensive parts, but Mully did not challange you to anything anyhoo will see you in about 11/12 days ride safe.