Would she get on yours?

I know this sounds selfish but my bike is my space and my space alone. It's one of the few places I can get some true "me" time.

Besides, after one pillion ride on my ZX9R many moons ago, my now wife vowed never to get on a bike again!
I started dating my wife of 38 years around Thanksgiving 40 years ago. The next spring she announced that she bought a motorcycle helmet. She has no desire to ride on her own. She enjoys the back seat and being able to look around. She can fold a map at 70mph and gives good directions.

We test rode a Rocket the first year they were made and said, "This will be our next bike." A couple years later she saw one for sale and we still have it. Great bike, the wife is even better.

Jerry C
"She can fold a map at 70mph and gives good directions" TOTAL KEEPER!
When my wife got on my Sprint, she asked me what the grab rails were for, I said just something hang on to. Now I would assume anyone at all, even if they never rode before, would know a female passenger puts her arms around the rider to hold on. I told her hold on, and took a quick blast to 120 and back down before pulling in to get gas. She said the wind blast almost took her off the bike, she was holding on to the grab rails but the wind had her laid out straight on her back, she said she almost threw up in her helmet, she was so scared . She never got on that bike again, she said just seeing the bike makes her sick to her stomach. My fault, I just assumed anyone would know that.
My wife used that handle for a "butt stop" (as she put it). Just something to know whether she was too far back on the seat.
I started dating my wife of 38 years around Thanksgiving 40 years ago. The next spring she announced that she bought a motorcycle helmet. She has no desire to ride on her own. She enjoys the back seat and being able to look around. She can fold a map at 70mph and gives good directions.

We test rode a Rocket the first year they were made and said, "This will be our next bike." A couple years later she saw one for sale and we still have it. Great bike, the wife is even better.

Jerry C
Been married for the same amount of time. Still great 👍
I know this sounds selfish but my bike is my space and my space alone. It's one of the few places I can get some true "me" time.

Besides, after one pillion ride on my ZX9R many moons ago, my now wife vowed never to get on a bike again!
I don’t like a BSR either. I’m glad my wife has her own. I could just imagine the reaction I’d get if my wife was on the back and I cranked the front wheel up.:eek:🤔💩
This is just one of the only things my wife and I don't share. She enjoys me telling her about my rides but she doesn't care for riding motorcycles in part thanks to me. I use to ride on trips with a ton of guys but through out the years it's recently become just me. I spend more time riding and less drinking so its good on that point. I like the me time but I do miss some of the comradery riding. When I hook up with the guys for breakfast once a month I remind them of my motorcycle and their vaginas. 🧚‍♀️
This is just one of the only things my wife and I don't share. She enjoys me telling her about my rides but she doesn't care for riding motorcycles in part thanks to me. I use to ride on trips with a ton of guys but through out the years it's recently become just me. I spend more time riding and less drinking so its good on that point. I like the me time but I do miss some of the comradery riding. When I hook up with the guys for breakfast once a month I remind them of my motorcycle and their vaginas. 🧚‍♀️
Uh kaaa🥴.....🤣
My wife will do a 10 mile ride for lunch or something, but she admitted she rode to humor me, it really isn't her thing, and that's fine, I understand it, I wouldn't enjoy riding on the back of a motorcycle myself
I’m not much of a BSR either. One time I did ride on the back of Sandy’s bike, she thought it was weird.