Old man on a bike
Hi all ! I know some of you fellows have or had Valkyries. I'm thinking of buying one as an interim bike until I get Rocket hammered back together. Anything I should be wary of ? I took one for a test ride this morning. Never ridden before but it felt just like imagined it would. Had Cobra pipes on it. Really liked the sound. Didn't buy it though, it was pretty rough. Looked like it had sat out in the weather some. Aluminum was corroding under the clear coat. What really concerned me was that the oil filter was rusty![]()
Never had any problems with mine in 10 years. Then again, I didn't have that many miles on it. I had a service manual for it, but I'm not sure what I did with it. The only thing I did to it was pull the manifolds as there is an O ring between the manifold and the head that sometimes will leak with age sucking a little air. I just did mine as a precaution since I was replacing my manifolds anyway. My old set had a little pitting from collecting moisture in the winter. I bought a used set off eBay. If I ever run across the manual I'll send it to you.