Carpenter Questions

54f a cold front are you on the happy bacy that is perfect riding temperature. If you like the top end speed then i would say the rev limit will come into play.
54 is cold for here but not anywhere near cold enough to keep me off the Rocket.......once it is up and running.
Well I'm waiting………………….what is the verdict? Is it going yet and tearing up asphalt?
It’s 52 here today, this is as far as I’m comfortable pushing at 62 it’ll be full tire:

I lied... got to playing on the way home. Edge to edge, Emax IS the best tire. It’s not even a debate at this point in my head.

Got my first full power run through first to redline today too. Life altering event...

Also, it power wheelies, even with me laying forward it lifts at about 6K nice and smooth, just like my Daytona does. Thanks Spring time, I really needed you!!
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