If the rock is still in pieces I may ride the valk down. If the rock is back together, it's still coming down in the trailer until it proves to me it's not trying to kill me !
Cool its time for a grenade what with helping Lupe and Sky dog find out the dealer did not set his cam timing. Nat67 across the pond with his ISCV reset and scraping paint off concrete in 100 degree heat index weather a man can get thirsty :D

Oh and let me just add I could not do this stuff if the guys on the other end weren't a competent bunch of fellers. In fact I am impressed on how @mexican and @skydog1000 are so fast at pulling the tank and cam cover to expose things while leaving the radiator, throttle bodies on the beast. Incidentally his cam timing is off I could see that from the picture with out the cam timing fixture. I post this and then a picture they texted me so you can see what I saw.

Here is what they sent and tbe inspection cover is off so they could bring number one to tdc


You can see the timing holes on the two cam gears are off
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I went up to Mexicans house a couple of weeks ago and checked the bike out. Ran Tune ECU diagnostic and everything checked out OK. Bike sounded tight at idle and my guess was that the cams were not installed correctly from the valve job the dealership did. Looks like I nailed it. This is why i am determine to learn everything i can about the Rocket and do my own work. Have placed over 2,000 miles since doing the work and have not had one problem with the bike. Valve cover gasket is holding up and showing no signs of leaking. Did figure out real quick that the timing chain slack needs to be towards the camshaft drive chain tensioner side when installing the tensioner. Looks like the dealership missed that.:(:(:(:(
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I know it would never happen, BUT just imagine if any of the Japanese motorcycle Companies bought out the design and rights to produce the Rocket 3 under licence, WOW a fantastic concept with Japanese tooling ,machining and most important dedicated conscientious assembly line crew, it would be the Lexus of motorcycles ,if only:cautious:
Cool its time for a grenade what with helping Lupe and Sky dog find out the dealer did not set his cam timing. Nat67 across the pond with his ISCV reset and scraping paint off concrete in 100 degree heat index weather a man can get thirsty :D

Oh and let me just add I could not do this stuff if the guys on the other end weren't a competent bunch of fellers. In fact I am impressed on how @mexican and @skydog1000 are so fast at pulling the tank and cam cover to expose things while leaving the radiator, throttle bodies on the beast. Incidentally his cam timing is off I could see that from the picture with out the cam timing fixture. I post this and then a picture they texted me so you can see what I saw.

Here is what they sent and tbe inspection cover is off so they could bring number one to tdc


You can see the timing holes on the two cam gears are off

Looks like 3 or 4 teeth off. I'm guessing that was real close to bending things :eek: Who's bike, Paul's or Lupe's ?
I wonder how well those engines hold up when you start middling them ?

I blew one up in Sydney after putting a Super Charger on it, but it was my own fault as I didn't put the lower comp pistons in the motor that came with the kit

It was a Two Brother Racing twin screw kit like this