Triumph Quit Ignoring Your Ignition Problems

I just bought the EB relay kit from a fellow R3 owner on this site and will install it soon.

Since my last post I have been stranded 2 times (documented elsewhere on this site). :eek:

I have a nice collection of my R3T on the back of trailers, tow trucks and flatbeds! :mad:

My bike is now officially out of warranty (Triumph extended it a year after my initial problems), so I'm hoping no more issues arise.

Dan, so how's that EB kit working out for you?
Dan, so how's that EB kit working out for you?

It looks purty sitting on the workbench in my garage!

My wife seems to think I have chores to do around the house on the weekends.

I explained that Saturday is for riding and Sunday is for washing my bikes, maintenance and general farkling.:D

She disagrees.


I've yet to install it.:(
Be Prepared

IMHO I am sure the relay helps but if you still have a triumph ignition IT WILL FAIL YOU AT SOME POINT. please carry the following with you .....

toggle switch,
electrical tape,
wire nuts, about 2" ft of 14 gauge wire
Enough tools to get the tank up and a sharp pocket knife
flask of Jim beam black label (Optional but highly recommended)

This Is a worse case repair... but if you still have a triumph ignition chances are you could have to do it.


1) Cut 2 1" ft lead wires from the 14 gauge wire and attach to toggle switch
2) Attach one lead to the blue/white on the harness (From the engine side of the harness)
3) The other lead should be joined with the remaining wires in the harness with the exception of the orange leave it alone. (From the engine side of the harness)

Run toggle switch out the bottom of the bearclaw

You now have a 100% Genuine Kentucky hillbilly ignition. Flip switch and Ride

Yes this is and ugly way to do this and I am sure you guys have 1000 better way to do this. I was stranded on the side of the road in the meth capital of East KY at dark and needed to get the HELL back on the road Quickly before somebody told be I had a purty Mouth. This did the trick I road an additional 6000 on this 4 dollar fix .... before adding a permanent (no triumph) replacement .......

there are no warranties expressed or implied for this fix but it sure helped me in a tough situation thought I would pass it on....... BTW if you don't get your bike on the road after performing this fix the ignition was not your problem and now is a good time to break out the Optional but Highly recommended Flask of Jim Beam because your going to need a tow truck.

Happy travels
BTW the reason I cut the harness on the engine side of the connector was to eliminate any problems with the connector its self.... I know many have had problems in the connector also. JMTCW
Bought my Rocket in 2005. I then Waxoyled all electric switches, relays and terminals. 0 problems. No corrosion, no failures. It also lubricates switches. Did the same to my1973 Norton. It still runs as new. I have no issue with Lucas. Waxoyl is British.
service bulletin 421

i have been studying on a relay to bypass ignition switch for headlights. but i came across a thread that talked about service bulletin 421 my 07 rocket is not on the list but i studied the installation directions and i am almost positive that it bypasses the headlight switch. the relay hooks into neg. pos bat and then to the dimmer switch(directions have you switch two wires. i think someone asked a question about if it bypassed ign. sw. and i would say yes. the kit from triumph part# t2502880 from dealer here said it was $82.45 plus tax. he has to order. from the directions it may be easier than the eb. i am somewhat new to this site so someone may have already said this.
Bought my Rocket in 2005. I then Waxoyled all electric switches, relays and terminals. 0 problems. No corrosion, no failures. It also lubricates switches. Did the same to my1973 Norton. It still runs as new. I have no issue with Lucas. Waxoyl is British.
the waxoyl is probally the same as Dielectric grease and while it protects the electrical system it is not going to take the Higher Amperage Load (caused by the Headlights) off the Ignition Switch which cause excessive heat build up in the switch and melting the solder
i have been studying on a relay to bypass ignition switch for headlights. but i came across a thread that talked about service bulletin 421 my 07 rocket is not on the list but i studied the installation directions and i am almost positive that it bypasses the headlight switch. the relay hooks into neg. pos bat and then to the dimmer switch(directions have you switch two wires. i think someone asked a question about if it bypassed ign. sw. and i would say yes. the kit from triumph part# t2502880 from dealer here said it was $82.45 plus tax. he has to order. from the directions it may be easier than the eb. i am somewhat new to this site so someone may have already said this.
If this kit you refer to is the update kit triumph made for the newer roadsters it only shifts the the load to the Dimmer switch which will save the ignition switch but eventually cause problems with dimmer switch, buy the eastern beaver kit and sav yourself the heartache later, you can even make your own it is not hard, take the power wires from the headlights to switch the relay's (2 are needed 1 for hi and 1 for low beam) power comes direct from battery (brighter headlights) it is simple just like wireing up driving lights so instead of pulling 30 amps thru ign switch you are only pulling about 3 amps = less heat