I have 26,000 miles on the Rocket X. Are These transmission's going out because of high milage or are they just going out prematurely at low mileage? So far so good no issues at all. Shifts easily and smooth. Had a problem at first but figured out clutch cable was not adjusted correctly from the dealer. Keep reading every week about another horror story and really starting to wonder. Out of all the Rockets out there is this a problem with just a few bikes or is it a issue that is just a matter of time? Starting to wonder and it is not good.
I have 26,000 miles on the Rocket X. Are These transmission's going out because of high mileage or are they just going out prematurely at low mileage? So far so good no issues at all. Shifts easily and smooth. Had a problem at first but figured out clutch cable was not adjusted correctly from the dealer. Keep reading every week about another horror story and really starting to wonder. Out of all the Rockets out there is this a problem with just a few bikes or is it a issue that is just a matter of time? Starting to wonder and it is not good.

Dude don't sweat it. First of all, if his transmission did not have the update kit installed in it then things are just different from yours. Whole different updated detent wheel and shifter stuff; front torsional damper bearing probably installed backwards, not to mention both of the bearings are different in yours. I've been on these sites for years and never heard of this happening to any rocket. I think it too was not fully in neutral and popped in gear. If he had not been revving the tits out of it, it probably would be fine. It's unfortunate but it can be fixed or like I said stuff another engine in her.

Oh and so everyone is clear: when your gearbox gives up, trying to ride it easy down the road or home or to the exit will only increase the damage and the price of the rebuild !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thanks for the reply. I am starting to dump some money into the Rocket and was getting concerned that maybe with all the reports of bad transmissions that it should be more of a wait and see. Understand what you're saying. By the way your post on lubricating and adjusting the throttle bodies (TPS and Stepper with Tune ECU) was very much appreciated when we reinstalled the throttle bodies. Followed it to the letter. Worked out really good. Return cable on throttle is now adjusted correctly. Factory or dealer had it wrong. Now it is operating like a champ. Thanks again.
Dude don't sweat it. First of all, if his transmission did not have the update kit installed in it then things are just different from yours. Whole different updated detent wheel and shifter stuff; front torsional damper bearing probably installed backwards, not to mention both of the bearings are different in yours. I've been on these sites for years and never heard of this happening to any rocket. I think it too was not fully in neutral and popped in gear. If he had not been revving the tits out of it, it probably would be fine. It's unfortunate but it can be fixed or like I said stuff another engine in her.

Oh and so everyone is clear: when your gearbox gives up, trying to ride it easy down the road or home or to the exit will only increase the damage and the price of the rebuild !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know the year when/if the update kit is fitted at the factory as standard. Is it model specific? I don't have a R3 yet. Just doing some background before I jump in and I want to be fully clued up first.
Update kits were needed on units prior to VIN 337294 in Standards and Classics And the limited Classic Tourer in 07. This ended up about the middle of 08. All R3T 2008 were supposed to be fully updated. I have not seen any that weren't . Just like I have not heard of any R3Touring bikes developed a rock crusher for a transmission either something that could be a good thing.
Oh and so everyone is clear: when your gearbox gives up, trying to ride it easy down the road or home or to the exit will only increase the damage and the price of the rebuild !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In my case, I seriously didn't give a $hit. That was the second time mine f'ed up and tried to kill me. My thoughts at that moment were to off the POS as is and wash my hands of it. :mad:
In my case, I seriously didn't give a $hit. That was the second time mine f'ed up and tried to kill me. My thoughts at that moment were to off the POS as is and wash my hands of it. :mad:
Interesting that ALL motorcycles have trans problems just look up any make bikes on the internet and they ALL have problems so Its obvious it has to be the riders that are causing a lot of it Carpenter works on all the high HP sportbikes and they also have the same problems and require various mods to improve them and the ROCKETS are holding up very well even when modified to produce 500 HP with stock gearbox and drive train SO whats the cause of the failures CARPENTER has had some rounded gear dogs caused by MISSED SHIFTS with the modded 300 HP engines SO it seems to all come down to MISSED shifts by the Riders as the cause of most of the problems
AS I have stated. I don't ride my r3 in an abusive manner. Usually two up with the misses. I missed a gear ONE TIME about 60,000 miles ago. Wasn't even f_cking around then. As for all this talk about the streamliner, that gets a mile or two to come up to speed, lets compare oranges to oranges. Don't sell a motorcycle by bragging up huge torque, and having a hooligan doing burn outs and wheelies without a disclaimer stating if you ride YOURS like this it will fly apart.