Tranny problems in the older bikes.

warranty issues

I don,t think Triumph or their dealers ever read this forum.
****, now I,m worried about my bike, thinking maybe I should have got a Harley.
Don't worry about your bike, worry about the dick's they have working for Triumph. I am sure if they realised the loss of sales this lame attitude creates they would be kicking someones ass. Triumphs sales and marketing would be worth sacking if they didn't read forums like this. Triumph should realize that the people that buy these bikes do so because they have soul are strong, reliable and worthy of recommending. Otherwise you might as well go out and buy any piece of recycled plastic and be proud of that. :mad::mad::mad:

Say what your thinking Gothlander. Lol I hear what your saying I should of bought that M109 I was looking at before I saw the R3.
What I didn't tell him is that my fiancé wants the new thunderbird, not sure if I want to stay with a company who wont back a known problem. It's not like I am the only one who has had this problem.

I would like to put together a list with who had this work done, what was the date and how much Triumph took care of.

Then I guess I will go into my local dealer and explain what is going on an explain I need to take it into a dealer I feel will have my back and fight for me. If I don't get a good vibe from them I may call Baxter back an make the trip up north.
A list is good, I have used this before (ignition switch melt down) and it worked for me in so as far as getting the parts supplied gratis. In my opinion they should have fitted them as well. Never take the first offer, I did not accept anything other than the full lock kit. I dont know how the poling function of this site works but if a pole could be created to list the common faults as well as if triumph fixed it, we could see (they could see) the amount of cases involved. This could take time to do but would benefit a lot of members. Something like this may have been done before and maybe the data could be combined.
I took mine to Baxters because of what felt like the clutch slipping in 2nd gear. After Gus test rode it, Toystoretom who was with me, noticed oil on the back side of the head. Gus called Triumph, they Ok'd to tear it down for the upgrade kit and head gasket replacement. Gus then found that the tortional dampner was bad. Everything repaired and upgrade kit installed, all paid for by Triumph, 18 months out of warranty. No questions asked. Guaranted that HD or any of the Jap companies would not of done that. Look what BMW has done to their loyal riders with final drive failures.

It doesn't surprise me that Triumph denies knowledge of the upgrade kit. It probably cost them a lot of money to do that. I remember Gus saying that I couldn't take any pics of the parts to post here.

If you take it anywhere I would give Gus first shot. I think he has a good relationship with Triumph and he has tore into dozens of them. That is something especially to consider if you are paying for someone's time. At minium he would be able to tell what the problem is from riding it and could make a case for you to Triumph.

Can you put together a poll with who had the tranny done and if Triumph footed the bill and what the date was. I am trying to collect data to take when I do battle.

Decision Made

OK.... my tax return made the decision for me. I was hoping to take it to Baxter’s up north but my tax return was skimpy so I can't afford the 600$ diesel bill plus the repairs so I am going have to put my trust in my local dealer.

I did have about a half hour talk with them and made my concerns clear but we know how far that gets us. :(

Wish me luck. I hate people touching my stuff :mad: