Tranny problems in the older bikes.

Hey TXRider

Been long time TX. We need to get together this year for a ride. I was on the road so much last year for work I think I only put about 1000 miles on the big boy.

I also thought I got lucky with the tranny issues but last year It started getting harder to get into 2nd gear (always had some resistance) but last year it started kicking out also. Just a hard knock, no RPM rev just a instant loss of forward motion.
You should qualify for the upgrade kit. I would get it taken care of sooner than later before Triumph stops the good will. It would be a drive for you but one of the best in the US is Gus at Baxter Cycles. He has probably done more than anyone in the country. If you can get your bike to KC we can take the rest of the way for you.
I'd suggest giving Gus a call at Baxter's. He's on first name basis with Triumph folks. I'd also recommend letting him (Baxter's) doi the work even though it is a long drive (I did it and don't regret it).

Thanks for all the input. I would love to take it up there because I am anal about my vehicals but I dont have the time or the funds at this point. I may have to take my chances with British USA down here.

I wish I talked to you guy's a month ago when I had to drive to Panco City OK last month. OH well. I will talk to my local dealer and feel them out, never know I may take you up on the hand off Pigr9.
Day late an dallar short again

OK have bad news for those of us who's bike's didn’t' give us problems till now.

Just got of the phone with Gus at Baxter cycle and he said Triumph stopped cover the tranny issues about 6 to 8 months ago and don’t even supply the upgrade kits anymore.

So i am looking at at lease 1000$ for labor alone and then add the cast of the parts that need to be replaced.

Now what :confused:
I think that if you are the original owner you might be able to make a case with Triumph, but you'll have to make a full court press with them personally.

My primary TPS went bad toward the very end of the last season and, although I am the second owner and even though the bike was nearly 18 months out of warranty they did pick up the cost of the new TPS ($110). The labor charge was on me, however.
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Well I played phone tag with Scott at Triumph customer service yesterday an never did get to talk to him. I am going to try again today.

I am the original owner and heck I only have about 17000 miles on it. From what Gus told me you dont know when the problem can show up because the main problem is that the 2nd and 3rd gear teeth round of. It all depends on how much and how hard you ride.

My bike is all stock and I ride pritty conservative and i have low miles.:eek:
I like the folks at British USA, but after going thru the issues Bay Rider had with oil leaks, I just felt like they were not interested in pursuing anything with Triumph on upgrades or goodwill repairs, and that kinda bothered me. I wish they were more aggressive about customer service and customer relations with Triumph? At first they acted like they never heard of and upgrade kit? If they would be more aggressive about warranty work or goodwill work I would be a super happy camper...
It's also a fun place to visit...