please give those H D riders a little slack most realize soon enough that to really shine they have to spring another 20 000 grand and to really stand out another ?????
I was once one of them , and I understand the never ending competion to outdo the next guy , but to be truly honest I also must also admit that the R3 has a few negatives of its own the most common being the weight .
here in europe you get some very uneven pavement and tight little street where the turning circle of the R3 is too wide and if you put your foot down one inch too low on that uneven pavement or not to find the right angle to balance her when turning around she will be gone , all you can do is slow down the fall .or when parking making **** sure you are not backing uphill cause it is impossible unless a brave soul happens by and pushes you back
that sort of stuff kind of happened to me two night ago I was going to punch the digital code to open a gate to my place so I parked in front of that gate on a very light incline, barely noticeable and kept the engine running so I was in neutral . while I entered the code on the pad four feet away ,the bike started to roll forward folding the kickstand, all I could do was to step back and slow down the fall by holding on the grip .
no damages anywhere thank god , I was so pissed off that in a fit of furry I managed to get her back on her wheels all by myself, and told her not to do that to me ever again .
I am now extra careful on that subject but regardless I do not miss my former ride anyway.