Well I got cut off on Thursday and totaled my brand new 2009 Rocket III Touring less than 3000 miles on the bike. Just finished getting all the add-ons put on the bike! I am a little beat up right now and sore.
I feel you man. July 18th, I hit the pavement head first. I don't remember anything, but best I can deduct from the witness, I must have locked the front break trying to miss a car and highsided. Bike was totaled. Had it 3 days. Man I feel ya.
But here is the question do I stick with Triumph with all the BS they gave in getting the accessories to me? Or go Harley this time around..... Would be a 2011 Rocket III touring black and new England white or wait and get all black again. Lucky the 2011 has most of the accessories included already....
The only advantage the Harley brings is the massive amounts of chrome and performance options that suck the money out of your pocket. You also get the family feel with a Harley. Perfect strangers accept you because of your ride.
That is what I like about the Triumph. You get the feeling you are on the brink of something special. They are not looked at negatively like some of the Japanese bikes, and the odds someone in your neck of the woods has one, much less knows anything about them is slim. Allot of envey is shown because guys forked out the money for a Harley and are left feeling a little slighted. They are not what they are hyped to be. It is merely an image wannabe bikers seek. Real bikers like the function, torq. and smoothness of a bike regardless of the manufacturer. Just my 2 cents.