Are you crazy!
I have an 08 R3T. Back in May, in L.A., I rented an 2009 fully loaded HD Street Glide. Very nice bike...great paint, beautiful chrome. The Street Glide seems to be the bike most of the HD guys have wet dreams over. I rode for 3 days about 300 miles a day. I COULD NOT WAIT TO GET BACK ON MY ROCKET. Last month I rented an 09 HD Road Glide. Again...a very nice bike. I rode up the coast from Boston to Rockport then down to the Cape and then accross NY State all the way to Rochester and then back to Boston. I COULD NOT WAIT TO GET BACK ON MY ROCKET.
Here's the deal....If you let the Manhatten advertising execs ( who have never riden a bike and most have never left the city ) convince you that you ain't cool unless you wear black and ride a bike that is Too Hot, Just plain Slow, Way Too Loud, & needs way to much attention to keep it running right....toss your money at Milwaukee. Your can support HD who "F--ked" Buell, sold out to Wall Street and forsaken the real riders.
When I get board, I wander up to Cook's Corner's and watch al the HD people walk around and look at each others bikes comparing which piece of chrome they just paid 4 times it's real value so they tell each other how cool they are. All kidding aside, it is a cool scene, but once they get on the road, I just drive around em like they were sittin still.
I have owned 3 HD's, my last was an 04 Fatboy. I still think it is one of the best looking bikes on the road. But man Oh man, it aint no ROCKET. I got my first Honda Trail bike in 1964 when I was 12, my first HD was an 883. I have ridden all my life and I right now there are two bikes in my stable. My Hayabusa and my Rocket. Both are intoxicating for different reasons but if I could only have one crusier, it would be the Triumph. Follow your gut, not your ego. One last thing, if for some reason you don't like the Rocket, there a 4 world class cruisers out there I would buy long before anything from Milwaukee. That's my 2 centavos worth and I apologize if I offended anyone with my rant. Maybe that why I ride alone...
But here is the question do I stick with Triumph with all the BS they gave in getting the accessories to me? Or go Harley this time around.....
I have an 08 R3T. Back in May, in L.A., I rented an 2009 fully loaded HD Street Glide. Very nice bike...great paint, beautiful chrome. The Street Glide seems to be the bike most of the HD guys have wet dreams over. I rode for 3 days about 300 miles a day. I COULD NOT WAIT TO GET BACK ON MY ROCKET. Last month I rented an 09 HD Road Glide. Again...a very nice bike. I rode up the coast from Boston to Rockport then down to the Cape and then accross NY State all the way to Rochester and then back to Boston. I COULD NOT WAIT TO GET BACK ON MY ROCKET.
Here's the deal....If you let the Manhatten advertising execs ( who have never riden a bike and most have never left the city ) convince you that you ain't cool unless you wear black and ride a bike that is Too Hot, Just plain Slow, Way Too Loud, & needs way to much attention to keep it running right....toss your money at Milwaukee. Your can support HD who "F--ked" Buell, sold out to Wall Street and forsaken the real riders.
When I get board, I wander up to Cook's Corner's and watch al the HD people walk around and look at each others bikes comparing which piece of chrome they just paid 4 times it's real value so they tell each other how cool they are. All kidding aside, it is a cool scene, but once they get on the road, I just drive around em like they were sittin still.
I have owned 3 HD's, my last was an 04 Fatboy. I still think it is one of the best looking bikes on the road. But man Oh man, it aint no ROCKET. I got my first Honda Trail bike in 1964 when I was 12, my first HD was an 883. I have ridden all my life and I right now there are two bikes in my stable. My Hayabusa and my Rocket. Both are intoxicating for different reasons but if I could only have one crusier, it would be the Triumph. Follow your gut, not your ego. One last thing, if for some reason you don't like the Rocket, there a 4 world class cruisers out there I would buy long before anything from Milwaukee. That's my 2 centavos worth and I apologize if I offended anyone with my rant. Maybe that why I ride alone...