TORS and Ramair - need a tune that's in-between...

How did you plug the hole in the pipe?
When you say "bypass plug", to me that sounds like "electrical tape". Is there an actual bypass plug?

The plug in the pipe is just a Oil pan drain plug I believe it's an M15. give me a few & I will try to find some sources
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OK. So one last question: Do you think the improvement from bypassing the oxygen sensor is worth the trouble of doing it? I am just trying to figure out whether it's worth doing.
OK. So one last question: Do you think the improvement from bypassing the oxygen sensor is worth the trouble of doing it? I am just trying to figure out whether it's worth doing.

Before HansO recommended I install the bypass I just had it wrapped real good with electrical tape. But supposedly the bypass tricks the ecu into thinking it's plugged in. It's real easy to do & only $20