TORS and Ramair - need a tune that's in-between...

OK, so hope this doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities. I recently put TORs pipes and a Ramaire filter on my '12 R3. I got a tune for that combo and though I really like the power, I miss the economy I had. I'm not complaining, just curious if there is an "in-between" map. It would be great to have a map without the limiters on each gear, but perhaps not the amount of fuel that pours into it with a TORs tune. Not sure I'm explaining this well. Is there anyone who has the tune that Triumph would put into it with a TORs upgrade installed by a dealer?
Try the tune for the 2011 I have TORs and Ramair and for my bike it works really sweet. The fuel consumption may be a wrist issue.