lets see here son I was going to send you a private message but changed my mind posting here so all can see, you lost respect,I never wanted it from you,you say how good a mechanic you are you done this,that and everything else hell you cant even hear an exhaust leak that I heard as soon as you started bragging on youre exhaust in Leakey after you rode how far? remember?you never get a ticket at 100 plus mph,you have all this money well,BET IT.you and youre boys are the best welders ever,you ride the farthest,the fastest,the most,in the worst weather till you go to an RAA and get to drunk to ride the whole next day,you say youre bike has never seen a dealer you do all the work BULL,someone comments on the torque,speed comparison to another bike,you jump up and call EVERYONE OUT say you got the fastest,torquest bike, they are bragging,you ride the farthest and all that,I accept you want to make the plan I dont agree on youre route or time you say Im all talk?put up or shut the f*ck up for good I"m pretty d*mn sure I am not the only that feels this way,will check back in on youre 2 cents worth whenever I sign back in here