Torque difference between bikes

Lack of commits says you want to bragg LETS RIDE. Challenge wide open bring it. Not trying to be rude but enough is enough. Talk is cheap. Lets see if you Can Hang . I spent a lot of time and money for a bike that is very quick in the low and mid range. Did the work myself. You all talk the talk but with your store bought bikes i ain't buying it. Calling you out big time. If you feel threaten understand. You want to walk the walk then accept the challenge. If not then set on the side lines.
I accept. with respect sir
HERE WE answer to the thread Question....

Imo the difference in feel is due to the torque delivery, and secondary throttle tuning. Fuel & ignition mapping may also have an impact.

Old Rocket III max torque is around 3000rpm whereas the new Rocket 3 max torque is around 4000rpm... its power delivery is more sport bike like than cruiser. Shifting the max torque up in the revs means it builds slower per RPM, so doesn't feel as sudden.
If the VTX max torque is at 3000rpm that means it must build quickly too (albeit not as much as the Rocket III by any means)

My busa has pretty much the same torque to weight ratio as the Rocket III has standard, the difference is the busa max torque is like 7000rpm so it doesn't feel anywhere near as arm pulling. It has more rpms to build over, I.e. builds slower. So the bike can be just as fast or even faster, while not feeling as fast, due to the torque delivery.
Of course if you're cruising at 7000rpm on a hayabusa and go WOT, then it'll be arm pulling.

Also with the Rockets, old ones anyway, can't speak for the new ones as I've not seen a map, the secondary throttles also really dampen the onset of torque in gears 1, 2, 3.
When you shift into 4th the feel of the torque is greater. 4th and 5th do not have secondaries restricting it in the lower rpms (although they do restrict top end in 4th and 5th, as standard).

That's if you have a standard map. If you set secondaries to 100% at all times in all gears (or physically remove them) you will feel a more sudden torque in 1st 2nd and 3rd.
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I have compared my R3T to my Stratoliner of late. I have a tight left turn from a stop when leaving work. Due to heavy traffic, I usually have to go WOT once safe to do so as I complete the left turn. Brahma pulls way harder when I do this over Yamato. Yamato has a good amount of torque from it 1,836cc engine and 100lbs less weight. But the triple is king in this situation.

While out on a country ride with Pretty Pillion last weekend, I had to go WOT on Yamato when turning onto a busy highway. I told her to brace for it and opened the big V-twin up. With the extra weight on the back, it felt as if we took off extra quick. I have done similar fast launches with her on the back of Brahma that did not feel as drastic though our speed jump up very fast.

I think in this case, the fueling map is a factor between the two bikes but I am not sure why I feel more torque with Pretty Pillion on the back of the Strat compared to the Rocket. And then the opposite without a rider on back.
Lack of commits says you want to bragg LETS RIDE. Challenge wide open bring it. Not trying to be rude but enough is enough. Talk is cheap. Lets see if you Can Hang . I spent a lot of time and money for a bike that is very quick in the low and mid range. Did the work myself. You all talk the talk but with your store bought bikes i ain't buying it. Calling you out big time. If you feel threaten understand. You want to walk the walk then accept the challenge. If not then set on the side lines.

Dude, relax, he's just talking about different characteristics of the bikes.

It's been so long since mine was stock I barely remember, but with the carpenter package, I'd be in trouble without a backrest. ;).
I kinda know what the original poster means, my Cbr1100xx is insanely fast, but it doesn't slam you back like the rocket, a much more linear pull. And if you can best Kevin, Sonny, then I'll race ya. ;)
I have compared my R3T to my Stratoliner of late. I have a tight left turn from a stop when leaving work. Due to heavy traffic, I usually have to go WOT once safe to do so as I complete the left turn. Brahma pulls way harder when I do this over Yamato. Yamato has a good amount of torque from it 1,836cc engine and 100lbs less weight. But the triple is king in this situation.

While out on a country ride with Pretty Pillion last weekend, I had to go WOT on Yamato when turning onto a busy highway. I told her to brace for it and opened the big V-twin up. With the extra weight on the back, it felt as if we took off extra quick. I have done similar fast launches with her on the back of Brahma that did not feel as drastic though our speed jump up very fast.

I think in this case, the fueling map is a factor between the two bikes but I am not sure why I feel more torque with Pretty Pillion on the back of the Strat compared to the Rocket. And then the opposite without a rider on back.
WOT with pretty pillion, heathen