Torque difference between bikes

Does the throttle by wire compared to the cable pulls have any effect on this?
It can. TBW, can be calibrated to be linear, exponential, or both in different ranges.

One of the thing I test is different calibrations, to get rider input. Perceived power is something every manufacturer works to perfect.
It’s not the RBW per se but programmed control of the throttle plates (ETV). In the old R3’s, the analog version was the secondary throttle plates, which most of us got rid of by removing them or programming them 100% open.
now thats an invitation I can not turn down stock 07 against youre x whats the race twisties straight distance in a day week what is it?
Really? You want to race a Rocket X? By the way from what i have been told it sounds good as i pass you. Would not know myself. I beat 2.7 in a heart beat. Stop bragging and lets see your real times. Calling you all out.
No throttle control. No riding modes just a well built bike for low and mid range torque. YOU WANT TO RACE? Or just Bragg.
Lack of commits says you want to bragg LETS RIDE. Challenge wide open bring it. Not trying to be rude but enough is enough. Talk is cheap. Lets see if you Can Hang . I spent a lot of time and money for a bike that is very quick in the low and mid range. Did the work myself. You all talk the talk but with your store bought bikes i ain't buying it. Calling you out big time. If you feel threaten understand. You want to walk the walk then accept the challenge. If not then set on the side lines.
It can. TBW, can be calibrated to be linear, exponential, or both in different ranges.

One of the thing I test is different calibrations, to get rider input. Perceived power is something every manufacturer works to perfect.
Nobody has seen the ETV tables for the new Rocket but here are two ETV tables for two of the riding modes on a Thruxton R. The values on the plots are the % the butterflies are actually opened as a function of throttle (grip) position and RPM.

now thats an invitation I can not turn down stock 07 against youre x whats the race twisties straight distance in a day week what is it?
We shall see how far one can go from point A to B in a giving time frame. I figure some where in New Mexico to Canada and back sounds good. May not be in the best of shape but always open for a challenge. Sounds good to me. Winner buys dinner. Forgot something it does mean ride no trailers. I will even the odds and ride out to you. You game?
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