"The Mistress No More"

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Who do you think you are? Some kind of motorcycle accident insurance investigator hired by big buck attorneys and doing it for many years. Sheesh!

Actually the title is "Court Qualified Collision Analysis Expert. :D
I do notexclusively work for insurance companies.
The rpm readout is not off, not from other folk I have talked to, that is also taken off the bike,so one can match it with the bikes tach to check. If you have tuneboy set at 7k I think the rpm limit is different in some gears. I have noticed this on many bikes all on the same dyno. Normally a stock unflashed rocket has higher rpm in the lower gears. When Nels tested your bike, he had yet to receive the latest version of winpep 8. The early versions were released with no other CF adjustment than SAE. NO DIN STD PS etc etc, that would account for 2.4%. I would suggest the win 7 guy used a different gear to test the bike?? The hp calculation on the dyno is from the physics equation Force equals mass x acceleration ( think I remembered that right :) ) The rpm pick up is only to calculate torque. There is a speed sensor on the dyno, and the rotating mass of the dyno is individually measured in the factory and a code assigned. One can do a plain HP readout with speed on the lower axis and no rpm at all.

I wuz gunna point all that out but ya beat me.....
Took a gander at your "Masticated Mistress" photos.
Me thinks likely that your rear wheel (note large divot in rear wheel) struck something that caused it to suddenly lift up.
This resulted in your loss of control with front forks sharply twisting left and subsequent impact (in endo fashion - rear up over front) with pavement by the top right front fender and left front fuel tank (see rearward impact displacement of headlights, left engine guard.
The rear then came down impacting the lower left pannier. Note: abrasions to lower left pannier and the inward force crush to the left three bar chrome protector and to the lower left rear fender.
This secondary impact force was violent enough that it displaced (shifted) the rear end to the right, which is consistent with the forces I have described.

I believe the rear wheel impact was primary and not secondary because had it been damaged in the second impact, the left side exhaust would have also been involved, which is NOT supported by the photographs.
Just my initial musing, M8 . . .
This is the bit (the Red highlight bit) that got under my skin I had lost control before leaving the road DUE to the Severity of the TankSlapper!!! ... Yes the Back wheel possibly did hit Something but IT was AFTER I lost Control AND WAS OFF THE ROAD just so it is clear.
I hope you are more and careful and clearer with your wording for you "Court Reports"
on a lighter note here is an updat on the broken wing, previous x rays last friday had shown that there was no new bone tissue growing which led to the Specialist in deciding that I would need to have it plated after all well as I had to wait (7 days) till yesterday to see the Bone clinic Surgeon in Canberra, When we got up there He ordered new xrays ... low and behold there is now good tissue grow and the bones are starting to knit, which is great news and accounts for the severe surging bone pain I have had for the past 4 days, The Surgeon was relieved as where my break is (mid way) in the Humorous poses great risk of plating due to the main nerve cluster that controls. all the lower arm functions is very close to the bone at that point, that was the good news unfortunately the department makes and fits the brace that I now need to keep the bones reasonably straight while the knitting and hardening takes place were under staffed and overbooked yesterday so they could not get me in, which means I now have to wait til I get a phone call early this next week to come back up to Canberra just for the brace which I will then have to wear for the next 3 +? weeks.
Also I have to take my hat off to my lovely Ann who had not driven My Cruiser before her car a little Holden Barina is 14 of the size drove it like Champion with only prompting from me as to how to take the turns and what gear (she is not used to driving a old oil burner diesel) up the Clyde Mtn
Mittzy would you please post your dyno chart for the configuration you have on your signature line 223HP/186TQ ?

And also when you get the new headers dynoed ?
Here you go, I will be starting a new thread also once the dyno is done (in 2 months), as said before i don't want to hijack this thread.

223Hp Dyno June 2015.jpg
Alright, I'm impressed. What did you do inside the engine ? Is it just the cams with stock everything else, or did you change the other bits too (higher compression pistons, stronger valve train, etc) ?
Alright, I'm impressed. What did you do inside the engine ? Is it just the cams with stock everything else, or did you change the other bits too (higher compression pistons, stronger valve train, etc) ?
@Neville Lush Cams with under bucket shims, heavy valve springs, slotted cam gears, Hi compression Pistons (10:1 i think) Head work (Porting) flowed to 250hp with standard valves (Why the F*ck I left the standard valves I don't know), Barnett Clutch, Manual timing chain tensioner, Hi volume fuel pump, Reband Exhaust system and UNI Filter inlet air filters.
I could go bigger cam and bigger valves as I "Might" find another 20hp but that would probably represent a further $2,000-$3,000 AUD - not really wanting to spend that much more right now - maybe later.
no offence guys but looking at Mittzy's bike (even if it is in undercoat black;)) and drooling over what has been done is not helping my moral over having lost "The Mistress"
When you are better you NEED to have a ride my friend - I dont say that to just anybody. As long as you don't crash it hahaha
Only @ozrider and @CanberraR3 have ridden Brutus.
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