"The Mistress No More"

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Hanso that's a mess. I feel for you. Sitting around with a broken bone and a screwed up bike is my version of hell. I have been kind of depressed on the slow progress with my bike with the valve adjustments and general 25,000 mile tune up. I have nothing to be depressed about. Some comments made on your accident just amaze the #rap out of me. I guess some folks have never experience such misfortune so they do not understand. I have been in your shoes before so we kind of understand what you are going through. I think I got my point across. Get well soon, get your pride and joy repaired or replaced and keep your chin up. Wishing you the best.:):):):):):)
Hanso that's a mess. I feel for you. Sitting around with a broken bone and a screwed up bike is my version of hell. I have been kind of depressed on the slow progress with my bike with the valve adjustments and general 25,000 mile tune up. I have nothing to be depressed about. Some comments made on your accident just amaze the #rap out of me. I guess some folks have never experience such misfortune so they do not understand. I have been in your shoes before so we kind of understand what you are going through. I think I got my point across. Get well soon, get your pride and joy repaired or replaced and keep your chin up. Wishing you the best.:):):):):):)
Thank You Very Much I Appreciate your Thoughts and Words
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