"The Mistress No More"

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THE REAR DID NOt HIT ANYTHING OR LIFT TILL I HAD LEFT THE ROAD AND I WAS TRAVELLING ALONG A VERY STRAIGHT ROAD !!!! the gust of wind sent me across the road crossing the centre line as it was tank slapping so forget your theories right there THANKYOU

A couple of accidents I have had are still a mystery why one minute I was sailing along then next thing oily side up and into the scrub, lots of abrasions but no fractures ,
I had a wreck on my bicycle once, going down hill didn't make the turn, hit the curb, and there was a blur and next thing I remember, I was sitting on the curb, wondering where all the red was coming from, and eventually rotated my left arm to see the white of the elbow and attached bones. I had been going all of 20 mph, oh and no helmet back then (all in unison now, 1, 2, 3: "Yeah, we know.").
NOOOOO I like the sound and the look of the twin cans - if it costs me a couple of horsepower - I'm ok with that.
Yes I too am interested in the difference.

OK M8, be that way! :oops: :roll: :D
Keep us posted re: the dyno results.
THE REAR DID NOt HIT ANYTHING OR LIFT TILL I HAD LEFT THE ROAD AND I WAS TRAVELLING ALONG A VERY STRAIGHT ROAD !!!! the gust of wind sent me across the road crossing the centre line as it was tank slapping so forget your theories right there THANKYOU

If you be referring to me, Hans, my sequence of events are still accurate whether you first went off road or not.
"Theories" they are not. Limited musings based upon the physical evidence of only 4 pix of your motor, they be.
Roadway evidence would also need to be assessed as well.
Twas merely a preliminary assessment meant to be helpful . . . and was NEVER intended to upset you!
I shall now discontinue further comment.
OK M8, be that way! :oops: :roll: :D
Keep us posted re: the dyno results.
Just back from the Dyno peeps------- 2 months waiting list..... I don't do waiting very well.
I always tell my kids that "I cant wait to have patience"...
Booked in for 26th June... BUTT Dyno feels about the same - maybe less HP at high RPM but feels a tad more torquey.
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Just back from the Dyno peeps------- 2 months waiting list..... I don't do waiting very well.
I always tell my kids that "I cant wait to have patience"...
Booked in for 26th June... BUTT Dyno feels about the same - maybe less HP at high RPM but feels a tad more torquey.

With the GOBS of HP you have, likely a small diff - if any!
Can you do a sound clip?
I be curious as @Claviger has CES with a different can and his sounds a lot different than my CES with their can.
We keep talking about dynos -- how to tell if a dyno shop is any good -- worth taking one's Rocket ? And I mean -- there is probably a service of telling what you have -- I want the next level where they can actually do something to tune the bike for my specific configuration.
We keep talking about dynos -- how to tell if a dyno shop is any good -- worth taking one's Rocket ? And I mean -- there is probably a service of telling what you have -- I want the next level where they can actually do something to tune the bike for my specific configuration.

Merely good for comparison from one dyno. Not so much dyno to dyno.
All dynos are a little different and update mods as well as ambient temps affect them.
Nels at Two Wheel Dyno recently did some firmware update to his and it now consistently reads 5 mph lower than it did before.

You then want a tuner that knows his stuff, Amigo.
5 mph lower
That would be 5 hp maybe ? Nels has had the new WINPEP 8 upgrade, which we all must get eventually as the hardware is no longer supported.I have my name down for the module. The tech guy here in OZ swears black and blue it will read the same. I will test it. What concerns me is , if it is different , I will have 20 years of data which I cannot compare...
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