Suspension issues?

Another thought has come to my mind.......Wheel bearings.
Check for play/side movement.
Spin wheel (not easy to do, as no centre stand) and listen for any clicking sounds or notchiness.
tire pressures, poorly setup suspension or both
Tyre pressures are correct as per handbook and suspension settings were standard. I've been playing around with the latter over the last couple of days and there is no discernable difference in what I'm feeling, better or worse, so now I'm thinking it might be the state of the tyres or wheel balance. Can't check wheel bearings as Jagster suggested, so have to assume they're ok since the bike is relatively new. Am going to talk to the dealer next week.
This is a new 2023 bike with only 4 miles. Those are just from pushing the bike around the factory and showroom floor plus the initial checkout ride. It shouldn’t be having any of these issues. I mean, who buys a bike and registers it then abandons it in place. Super quick trade in. There is the possibility the bike wasn’t moved regularly and the dealer or someone left stationary too long such that the tires developed flat spots. You can’t always see those, but you can feel them. Anxious to learn what the dealer says.
Yes Jay, I’m afraid my enthusiasm for the bike got the better of me and was not as thorough with getting the full history as I should have been. I should also have asked for a test ride too (since it was a registered bike in the showroom) which would have shown up the issue for sure. You live and learn!
Hi, the factory set the suspension to the hardest setting, but daft in my view. When I bought my GT new in 2022 the suspension set up was horrendous.
I found a video on YouTube showing how to set it up. Look for, col and Zig Triumph Rocket 2020 shock set up. I did mine following this, it works very well no problems.

Cheers . Nick
Thanks Nick, but I have already seen the vid care of another thread I came across. I tried their settings but still have the problem, whatever I set the suspension to so still think it's the tyres or wheels or both. Roger