Starter upgrade issues

The choice is: to reuse triumph sol. center contact OR shorten toyota center contact shaft approx. 1=1/16"
a couple of the write ups implied that choice but really wasn't spelt out....
it may not need to be shorten will explain in next post
i have been working with a guy in Canada with a lot of problems he has had it to several professsionals that could not fix the problems.
after fixing a few problems what i was left with was a loud clack at starter. some times starts and some time just clacks.
we went thru the whole prossess found a few things wrong and replaced stuff (starter ect) and it got worst .
my final diagnosis is that it had a bad positive battery cable sometimes it would flow enough volts/amps and sometimes it would not you would just get the loud clack.
he replaced the positive battery and now (so far) it starts every time. I think that this will be the fix on his bike and i will report back if it is not fixed.
as far as cutting the shaft instead of cutting the shaft we tried using the oridginal triumph plunger and it made no difference because that was not the problem.
i must say that using google meet with phone cameras was a real chalenge when working with someone with zero mechanical knowledge.
hope this helps those with the dreaded clack.
I think I mentioned this before & it's happened to 2 of my Rockets now...
The wire from relay goes to a plug behind the engine ( it comes out of loom ) & that wire ( Black ) goes directly up to starter relay.
That plug goes bad as it almost impossible to get at to clean let alone take apart.
Both bikes were randomly clicking...rock in gear & at some stage they would always start. I had cleaned & checked everything else before discovering this.
Fix is doing a direct wire from starter solenoid to Black wire in starter relay. Both bikes start every time now.
Mite not work for everyone but something to check at least.
Grounding issues on a rocket, the real deal. Some corrode in the loom, some the plugs stop grounding, can be a nightmare, ive lived it, after changing looms and cables so far so good. @DEcosse was my hero when i knew nothing of these things, he invested alot of his time in me so i know whoever turbo helped is also forever grateful.
And just to add more wtf to the rocket no start...
I have a no start that basically I have to randomly try the starter a few tries before she fires up. It has a 10% slower cranking speed when it won't work. No idea why but it's probably a relay / grounding issue.
So far as I can find im the only one to have this specific issue.
Late to your thread, but have you increased the pos & neg bat cable sizes? I doubled up with an extra set and twas much more power in the start!