stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
Good on finding the bad ground wireI have made progress. Found a ground wire in the harness that was disconnected from the ignition plug. Reconnected that and I have lights and relay pole #30 is hot. It only has 11.5 V as I assume the light use up some charge, as they dim when i hit the button. And the relay is sending all 11.5 v to the starter solenoid. But it needs 12v, and 11.5 is not turning it over. I did upgrade the started to 1.7kw over the stock 1.3kw. My guess is I need to find a higher cranking battery (current one is brand new stock) or find a stock starter to put back into it or separate the light circuit from the starter circuit?
However that starter will crank at 10 volts and i seen one crank at 9.4volts.
So your thinking is a little off. I would guess that the volts/amps is not getting to the starter you probably still need some trouble shooting.
Kevin is correct try jumping it with a good battery and i think it is still not going to start.
Was the new relay a 12 volt relay