OK, I went and played with mine. Agree with Herman, don't check all the boxes, only check boxes that you want to see the data for and that will help diagnose your issue. The more you select, the slower the sample rate is and you want a high sample rate to try and capture the important piece of data that helps you diagnose a stall.
When I played with it, I was able to recreate your issue. When you hit the "sensors" button, you have two choices: "list" and "log". The ones you have checked under "list" are the ones that you'll see on the screen and that the bike is reading information for. You can't check all the boxes because there isn't room on the screen for them all. Or at least if you check all the boxes when you go back and look at the list you'll see that it automatically unchecked the ones that wouldn't fit on the screen. I'd suggest checking only about 6 or 7 boxes to keep your sample rate high.
Then the ones that get a red light need to be checked under the "log" button (after you hit the "sensors" button. Those will be the ones that get recorded to a file.