stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
Maurice, I haven't done a data capture using TuneECU, but looking at the app, I think you'll need to go to the data page, then go to the menu to view the data types and enable the ones you want to capture. I believe there is a limitation to how many can be displayed at once. I'd suggest things like throttle position and whatever sensors look important to your issue. I also don't think it records automatically. It'll display the data in real-time while you're riding, but if you want to record it, I believe you need to go back to the menu and enable logging.
I would suggest injector pulse in the recording
if u manage to pull this off we may b able to put those recordings on each of our laptops and side by side compare the good and the bad.
off the wall stuff i have seen cry products computer/ecu go bad and just keep increasing injector pulse width.