pdf page 22 & 23 are the 444 springs >>> http://www.progressivesuspension.com/assets/files/7100-105-Specs-And-Tech-Info.pdf

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Yeah, been trying to tell that they are on pages 22-23 with the whole shock details for ages but Steve for some reason doesn't believe he can order the spring part numbers listed by themselves. I was trying to show him that they are listed separately.

The one you pasted is a HD version for 12.5" shocks but not a Rocket Roadster one.(See my Post #82) But the length there refers to the whole shock eye to eye. Steve was looking for the Standard Duty spring version.

The springs are just springs and can be used in various series/models of shocks as @Speedy has commented as well. It is just a case of matching the required length, diameter and rating for the purpose. The 12" long springs (03-1316-20B/30 - 125/170 lbs/in ) on Page 31 are longer than those fitted to the 412 or 444 series shocks so could be possibly cut down to a suitable length as well.

The specific spring for the 412 or 444 series shocks is
Order No. 03-1315-20B/30
Rate lbs/in 125/170
Rate kg/mm 2.23/3.04
SPRING Length-In 8.75
Length-mm 222
I.D.- Inch*** 1.85
I.D.- mm*** 47
Notes (Fits) 11.50” & 12.00” in the 12/412 Series Street Shocks'

But in the 444 Series Street Shocks they are specified for the 12.5" Std rate shock. Remember the shock length is eye to eye and depending on its configuration could use a longer or shorter spring length to achieve the same eye to eye shock length.

I am now going to give up as I have tried to explain a number of times but do not seem to be getting through.

Well, Ish,
I appreciate your trying at least.
I don't care the actual spring length, uncompressed and compressed, ID or OD diameter.
WTF does a rate lbs/in 125/170 have to do with their posted values of "Standard " or "HD" ???
Guess it would be too much to ask for a simple list of part numbers specific to their listed shocks!
You know, like what spring is in the 12.5" 444 HD?
What spring is in the 12.5" 444 Standard?
Thanks for trying to help.
Well, Ish,
I appreciate your trying at least.
I don't care the actual spring length, uncompressed and compressed, ID or OD diameter.
WTF does a rate lbs/in 125/170 have to do with their posted values of "Standard " or "HD" ???
Guess it would be too much to ask for a simple list of part numbers specific to their listed shocks!
You know, like what spring is in the 12.5" 444 HD?
What spring is in the 12.5" 444 Standard?
Thanks for trying to help.

How many times :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

This is the 444 12.5" length shock Standard rate spring.

Order No. 03-1315-20B/30
Rate lbs/in 125/170
Rate kg/mm 2.23/3.04
SPRING Length-In 8.75
SPRING Length-mm 222
I.D.- Inch*** 1.85
I.D.- mm*** 47

This is the 444 12.5" length shock Heavy Duty rate spring

Order No. 1442-20B/30
Rate lbs/in 210/250
Rate kg/mm 3.75/4.46
SPRING Length-In 8.37
SPRING Length-mm 213
I.D.- Inch*** 1.85
I.D.- mm*** 47
Notes: 1.53" ID on one end

The HD spring 1442-20B/30 is listed in the last line of Page #31



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How many times :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

This is the 444 12.5" length shock Standard rate spring.

Order No. 03-1315-20B/30
Rate lbs/in 125/170
Rate kg/mm 2.23/3.04
SPRING Length-In 8.75
SPRING Length-mm 222
I.D.- Inch*** 1.85
I.D.- mm*** 47

This is the 444 12.5" length shock Heavy Duty rate spring

Order No. 1442-20B/30
Rate lbs/in 210/250
Rate kg/mm 3.75/4.46
SPRING Length-In 8.37
SPRING Length-mm 213
I.D.- Inch*** 1.85
I.D.- mm*** 47
Notes: 1.53" ID on one end

The HD spring 1442-20B/30 is listed in the last line of Page #31


:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Look here ya numbskull . . .
The F'in shocks are listed by Progressive as Standard as such:
Standard (Up to 250 lbs.), Heavy-duty (250+ lbs.) and Super Heavy Duty (Touring Models only - 350+ lbs.).

Now please tell me what/how a 210/250 is the HD spring you list and also tell me how the standard spring you list has a rating of 125/170???
Perhaps you can now wrap your erudite head around my issues?
. . . and we haven't even began to discuss the HUGE variance in the listed travel lengths and target ride lengths.
:D :p :roll: :rolleyes:
@Speedy or anybody who can explain simple concepts even simpler, please help! A certain person does not seem to be able to grasp a concept or anything else I write very well.

Please explain the difference between a rider's and possible passenger's and luggage weight Standard (Up to 250 lbs.), Heavy-duty (250+ lbs.) and Super Heavy Duty (Touring Models only - 350+ lbs.) and the 'spring rate' of a length of 'progressive spring' measured in 'lbs per inch of linear spring' for example '125/170 lbs/in'.
If there are two shocks each with a spring on either side of the motorcycle, each inch of their combined spring length supports not just the mass of the rider but also the static and kinetic mass of an object (in this case a motorcycle and rider, passenger and luggage which is more than the Standard (Up to 250 lbs.), Heavy-duty (250+ lbs.) and Super Heavy Duty (Touring Models only - 350+ lbs.) of just the rider, passenger and luggage.

Further please explain that a 'progressive spring' may have a number of different 'spring rates' with different spring rates measured in 'lbs per linear inch' e.g. in this case two spring rates (125 and 170 lbs per inch), so that as the available spring length travel, which is the sum of the gaps between the coils, is used the initial travel and closing up of the gap between the coils is absorbing the lower spring rate per inch capability (125 lbs per inch) and once this is used up and the coils of spring with this rating close up, the portions of the spring's coils with the higher 'spring rate' in lbs per inch (170 lbs per inch) then start to absorb the energy until they are closed up until the whole length of the spring's coils are completely closed up when the spring bottoms out or is 'bound'. i.e. there is no spring left and it is acting as a solid tube of steel before the load is reduced and the coils open up progressively once more, allowing the spring to lengthen and once more absorb energy when required by compressing again.

Therefore a longer spring with a lower spring rate per linear inch may be able to absorb as much or more energy than a shorter spring of much higher spring rate per linear inch.

This is why the longer eye to eye shock length with a longer spring may use a lower spring rate per inch to support a similar load while providing a more compliant softer feeling ride.
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So I am kinda following along here and I've I was wondering why anyone would need the HD versions of these shocks? If the stock springs are about 260lbs and the standard 444's are 250lbs, there isn't much difference. I weigh 300lbs and my wife is 140lbs, luggage is minimal if at all at 50lbs max. So I am running at the upper end for sure and I've never bottomed out yet. Alone my bike rides horrible, just like no suspension at all. So my take on this is that if I were to upgrade to the 444's I should stick with the standard version for spring rate and enjoy the much better valving of the Progressives. Sound rite?
My take - go to somewhere that makes bespoke shocks tailored to you and the R3.
Like using somebody else's tune in your engine - it's only ever an approximation.
So if I were to order different springs for my 444's like the 125/170's would I be able to change them out or does it take special tools???
You would need a 'spring compressor' of some sort can be homemade with a little effort or easy enough to buy relatively cheap. Most auto ones may be too big as they usually have much wider diameter springs.

Pretty sure if you search the forums here you will find a solution.
Here you go:
440 Shock Spring up grade

Progressive Suspension Standard Shock Spring Tool 32-5508 | eBay

You need a set of spring compressors , you compress your old spring , remove the keeper , remove spring , installation is just the reverse . I picked up a couple of spring compressors on EBay. I happen to have a set of Progressive Chrome HD springs that I am not using , will sell for $100 & shipping

looks like their standard shock spring tool will work
32-5508 Standard Shock Tool
they are around 35 bucks here is a instruction link

http://www.progressivesuspension.com/pdfs/3055-129 Instr Shock-Tool.pdf

Bet you could make one. I just use my milling machine to compress and remove mine.

Sorry I misunderstood or read to fast. I use a milling mach and a fixture I made to compress springs. never tried it with anything like a spring compressor for Strut springs on a car but they might work. of course once you do that you will probably either eliminate the standard sag the shock should have or turn it into a hard tail until you hit something big enough to compress the springs either way you might not really utilize the shock part and beat you cross over pipe to death while riding. As for the drinking I understand :)

I wish you luck though.
And want to point out your Jardine pipes are not made anymore and have the best sound I have heard on any can. They have a nice rumble. I know I have a set on the shelf.
Gratitude for the tool at Ebay - I just ordered one.
Now to figure out how to order springs . . .

Gratitude for that shock tool info.!