ramair cracked

I wouldn't be so sure of that as the ecu really only adjusts the low throttle openings and the chance of running too lean at higher Rpms and WOT
What Hans said - Though personally I doubt there is a need with a stock exhaust if you seldom run over 4000rpms for any length of time.

But frankly I'd have it tuned. Or fit something that will help you do so.

Thanks fellas. Learning more each day.
Just noticed this thread and wanted to add that I'm also the not so proud owner of a failed ramair filter. I thought I had it on ok only to find after about a week it had lifted at the front. Put it back in the right spot and nipped the clamps up a little tighter only to find the next day the rubber had cracked as described above. As a former motor mechanic I was a bit embarrassed that I had stuffed it up so didn't bother contacting ramair and went for the uni filter pods instead. For 1/4 of the price of the ramair I'm wrapped with the uni filters.
I feel a little better to see Im not alone with the ramair issues, I agree they need to redesign the lip to fit the intake and better quality rubber although I still think the idea was great. Neville, I bought the bright blue uni's straight from them in bright blue and think they look great on the all black roadster. Maybe a colour worth stocking for you?
Cheers, Brendan
I bought my Ramair as soon as they were available an it's been fitted for 7500miles .Had it off 3 times an no problems at all with pop off ,splitting or re fitting so far.
Just noticed this thread and wanted to add that I'm also the not so proud owner of a failed ramair filter. I thought I had it on ok only to find after about a week it had lifted at the front. Put it back in the right spot and nipped the clamps up a little tighter only to find the next day the rubber had cracked as described above. As a former motor mechanic I was a bit embarrassed that I had stuffed it up so didn't bother contacting ramair and went for the uni filter pods instead. For 1/4 of the price of the ramair I'm wrapped with the uni filters.
I feel a little better to see Im not alone with the ramair issues, I agree they need to redesign the lip to fit the intake and better quality rubber although I still think the idea was great. Neville, I bought the bright blue uni's straight from them in bright blue and think they look great on the all black roadster. Maybe a colour worth stocking for you?
Cheers, Brendan

Please describe the difference, if any, between the power with Ramair and the power with Uni's.
Please describe the difference, if any, between the power with Ramair and the power with Uni's.

Dobro, I haven't been on a dyno so I couldn't really say. I think both would be similar dependant on tune. I have staintune cans and crossover and the air filter and after playing with a few tunes I am currently using one from here (thanks Claviger). What I can say is the bike feels a lot more powerful right across the rev range andwith no down side. The uni's are cheap and easy to fit, which also makes re-oiling less of an issue.
I would suspect there would not be much difference in the HP number and they would be so close you would need a tuner like Nv to really tweak the bike in. My next Rocket will be NA so I can actually felt he difference between something like the Carpenter 240 kits power verses what I have from Bob with the Supercharger on top. I am sure mine has more but I am curious about how the low rpm area is affected by a little push of air. Of course with a NA motor I will be able to test and compare the Piper cross I did with other various filter combinations. I see Bob was getting good numbers out of the 4040-1 styles I would be interested in seeing how mine fares out compared to that style.
That's great nice to see someone stand by their product. On another note their is not a lot you can use and keep the full bear claw. the 2780's, ram air, and I know Nev sells uni filters since your down under. I also know Piper-cross and ITG both have foam filters like the UNI filters nev uses. you van get a set of foam filters that will go over the OEM Velocity Stacks via wire ties. Then besides using the OEM stack but the clamp also. This will also fit under the bear claw. Nev might have tried this already and either way would have valuable info/technical opinions that would benefit all. I do not have a ram air filter to personally critique one nor am I promoting any brand over the other. I am just talking about my opinions based on making a piper-cross base for a NA Rocket I had. I do like the concept/functionality of their filter. But my view is from listening to the pros and cons of other captains that have installed it. And Nevs tuning findings which when Nev types I read and digest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I was Ram-Air and wanted to improve on the filter I would say there are two routes. one make a change in the mold to match the raised radius on the throttle bodies then OEM style clamps maybe used, ( I think I would still use two wire ties as pointed out by a captain above which I like) or modify the existing mold base plate to incorporate the OEM Velocity Stacks. Which ever is easier on mold modifications since they have bell mouths in their design. And last would be a metal base plate that will take the OEM Velocity Stacks. I would also agree and keep the air temp sensor in the filter. in fact I also added the barometric pressure sensor to mine also.

Now if cutting the claw is not a problem then the design and building of a unique filter is your next task.
Road signs make good base plates.

I cut and hacked at the claw to make it fit around the ram air better. the scallops are in the wrong places to line up with throttle bodies and so I hacked at it. glued it all back together in a different shape, with a tube of JB Weld and a tub of bondo. surprising
what you can do
I don't really understand why you made it that shape. You could have just trimmed it for a better fit I reckon. Nice work though.

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