That's great nice to see someone stand by their product. On another note their is not a lot you can use and keep the full bear claw. the 2780's, ram air, and I know Nev sells uni filters since your down under. I also know Piper-cross and ITG both have foam filters like the UNI filters nev uses. you van get a set of foam filters that will go over the OEM Velocity Stacks via wire ties. Then besides using the OEM stack but the clamp also. This will also fit under the bear claw. Nev might have tried this already and either way would have valuable info/technical opinions that would benefit all. I do not have a ram air filter to personally critique one nor am I promoting any brand over the other. I am just talking about my opinions based on making a piper-cross base for a NA Rocket I had. I do like the concept/functionality of their filter. But my view is from listening to the pros and cons of other captains that have installed it. And Nevs tuning findings which when Nev types I read and digest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I was Ram-Air and wanted to improve on the filter I would say there are two routes. one make a change in the mold to match the raised radius on the throttle bodies then OEM style clamps maybe used, ( I think I would still use two wire ties as pointed out by a captain above which I like) or modify the existing mold base plate to incorporate the OEM Velocity Stacks. Which ever is easier on mold modifications since they have bell mouths in their design. And last would be a metal base plate that will take the OEM Velocity Stacks. I would also agree and keep the air temp sensor in the filter. in fact I also added the barometric pressure sensor to mine also.
Now if cutting the claw is not a problem then the design and building of a unique filter is your next task.
Road signs make good base plates.