ramair cracked

Just had a good look at mine, Lushy put them on just on 9 months ago, no sign of cracking or splitting that I can see, and they have never popped off of the throttle body either
The rubbers fit snugly up inside the tract tubes - and of course mount perfectly to the throttle bodies. Although quite a different set up I would have thought they could be made to fit to the Ramair relatively easily too.

Just curious, I'm an electronics technician not a mechanic or mechanical engineer. With all the posts on air filters, increased air flow etc.... Is there not a way to induce air flow under the seat? I'm sure if this was a viable solution you fellas would have already come up with a solution...just currious.
Also on another note, is there such a thing as too much air?
Just curious, I'm an electronics technician not a mechanic or mechanical engineer. With all the posts on air filters, increased air flow etc.... Is there not a way to induce air flow under the seat? I'm sure if this was a viable solution you fellas would have already come up with a solution...just currious.
Also on another note, is there such a thing as too much air?
No such thing as Too Much Air as the motor will only suck in as much as you let it with the throttle, the thing is you also need to let it out (but you do need to control what is being allowed out).
You want as little restriction as possible to the air being sucked in
Is yours being one of the first made from a different material? .
I doubt Ramair used different rubbery stuff to their usual mix just for one filter. It's more likely that their rubber supplier has changed something - according to my rubber moulding contact here - it can be a major issue and is why they buy small lots. But when I go to the UK, in a month or so, I will drop in and have a chat with them. I'll take a triumph trumpet with me.
No such thing as Too Much Air as the motor will only suck in as much as you let it with the throttle, the thing is you also need to let it out (but you do need to control what is being allowed out).
You want as little restriction as possible to the air being sucked in

Thanks, another question. I noticed that if you install the Ramair there is no need to install a tune.... Correct? The system sets itself up to deal with the extra air? This is the reason for the 12 minute idle?
I wouldn't be so sure of that as the ecu really only adjusts the low throttle openings and the chance of running too lean at higher Rpms and WOT
What Hans said - Though personally I doubt there is a need with a stock exhaust if you seldom run over 4000rpms for any length of time.

But frankly I'd have it tuned. Or fit something that will help you do so.
Good information here especially if you start pricing all the goodies needed to tune it yourself. I can see where if your like me an have no dynos in the area it would sure be helpful in keeping safety for the motor in mind. As I go a long I remember test that were done on the response time and accuracy of the O2 sensor on a few brands. Some I did not recognize and some I did like innovate and Power commander. Now not to make them sound bad as I am sure when they update the firmware things get better and not doubt they have updated it since the test were done. So right now lets say they are all equal. That being said there prices are all pretty much up there. That being said it is making the price of the new tune boy advance right in there if not in some cases a little bit cheaper. I see they teamed up with innovate to com up with the wy-fy link up and the utilization of the wide band fuel system on the engine with the tune boy programs.
One of the good things is even if there are a bunch of usable tuning aids out there they are all similar so our total tuning knowledge on this site will improve.