ramair cracked

A GOOD word that homologation be!!! :thumbsup:
F*CKING PITA over here. The whole ruddy €-mark thing is being taken to extremes in Spain.
The only way to enjoy individuality is ride/drive something OLD. Pre "EU Certificate of Conformity".

Basically it is TYPE APPROVAL. Thou shall not modify.
No offense, but it's good to read of these things because things over here are going to $hit and hearing of political crap in other countries seems to help somehow. :banghead:
When i first fitted the Ramair filter and started the bike( 12min tune) it kept coming off so i kept tightening but it still came off so i wanked the clips tighter and the rubber split,told Ramair and they replaced it so fitted the second one with the new clips (DID NOT OVER TIGHTEN) and thought all was good until a week later and looked at it and it had split again( now out of quarantee but they replaced it) like it has been said there is a design flaw of not having a lip as the original plenum has on the inside of the filter where it fits the TB's and even not using the correct rubber.
When i spoke to Ramair they said they had no one else have one split!
p.s. you should not have to hold the Ramair on with wire ,cable ties , rope ,glue,cheese......... so goodbye Ramair.
Just went out and checked mine. Rubber is split on the front and centre. Has been on my bike for about 8months. Wasn't split like this when I fitted it just deteriorated over time. I'm beginning to think that all the Ramair filters will do this over time. If you have a Ramair go and check it and I'm sorry to say but if you don't have one don't buy one unless they improve the design and make them out of a tougher material.
My guess is the clamp and the barb on the throttle body make a pinch point and with time and vibration cut the soft silicon. Needs to be made out of tougher rubber.
Just a thought has any one with a cracking Ramair thought about carefully cutting out the failing flanges and gluing in a set of the Standard rubber velocity stacks of their original Plenum, we know they wont crack
Was sitting here thinking that very same thing. Will talk to Lushy on Monday or Ramair see what happens. If the rubbers were cut off right the OEM rubbers would may be fit in the same as the do on the plastic Barsted.
if you can get any traces of oil etc of the mating surface "Selleys Silicon 401 Industrial Grade engineering adhesive sealer" might be a good option it is heat resistant and also oil and chemical resistant, ..... Good Sh1t I have used it quite a bit and been very happy with it, I use it in all my exhaust slip joints and a smear on the flange gaskets also on the front engine cover gaskets with no leaks, I was put on to it by the mechanic at my Triumph dealer. Oh and the best part of it is that it is available at any Bunnings H/W store and probably other Hardware stores that carry Selleys lines:thumbsup:
another option so those who have had this happen would be making a base like Scot (@warp9.9) did but using the Ramair with the necks cut off to mark out and cut a thin sheet of Alloy (Scot found street sign material to be a good thickness) mark out a cut the holes in the Aloy to suit the standard Triumph velocity stacks and glue the sheet of alloy to the base of the Ramair, I would even think of putting a couple of small bolts with mudguard washers (on the inside) and nyloc nut thru the base to make sure it doesn't come apart
Just a thought has any one with a cracking Ramair thought about carefully cutting out the failing flanges and gluing in a set of the Standard rubber velocity stacks of their original Plenum, we know they wont crack

I suggested that way back when I fitted them to my intake and there was some reason given why it wouldn't work. Or maybe it was just rejected for no real reason, can't recall.