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Scott - Actually I'm not sure there is room to get the OEM stacks inside a foam filter that fits under the claw without them getting deformed by the foam. There is not a hell of a lot of clearance twixt RAMAIR outer and the claw and the OEM rubbers are cut away to avoid touching the much thinner Triumph plenum wall. I'm not sure - but I think this was also discussed when Colin talked with RAMAIR. The Ramair has radiused inlets - but iirc the "bell-mouths" would not fit. In teh Custom ITG Colin had made (which I now have, and I think you had for a while) the bell-mouths JUST fit in but there is not a chance in hell of it fitting under the claw.
That Piper-cross does look familiar does the base plate resemble this?
or does it have the custom OZ stacks in it.
Looks much like Duncans and when we worked it out on the Tech site.
The extra piping he had to put on top to get her tucked away more was not thew way I wanted to go which is why I went with the OEM stacks
Its all a compromise of looks and versatility. I designed mine with the max air flow in mind as it would have probably been a Carpenter motor under the filter. Anything less and I would have gone with a size or two smaller.
Now as for your firewall idea I think its a great one as it will keep hot engine air down. The only thing I would do different is relocate the coolant tank and plumb some cool air ducting from up front to feed the filter more especially if I was not going to do any bear claw cutting.
Now that I am thinking about it I do remember Colins touching base here in the USA for me to take a look see and possibly test but Gracie did not live thru Canada so on in the mail it went. I believe you are correct it was a ITG brand and well put together. I think I would have gone with alarger one but for a stock or stock with pipes motor it would be great. And yes I believe you are right it was to short to go with the OEM stacks. The one I chose before I knew if ITG was 150 mm tall. and they had a few other various height and width choices.
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