ramair cracked

Ramair have replied
They want photos and are saying they think i hav over tightened

1. That's total BS.
2. Unless they gave you actual torque settings they can't say that in any case.
3. Do they realise they're starting to really look on the nose to a large proportion of their potential market.
4. ***n appalling customer service.
5. We need a banner in this and the .com site "Ramair - buyer beware".
6. Wankers.
I reckon word of mouth will hurt them on this one....
Not just with the R3 filters but with all their range, If they are not willing to stand by just one of their products - How are the rest of the Ramair filter users going to react to this BS?
I have a brand new Ramair sitting in the cupboard (waiting for my upgrade) NOW I am not so sure....
I think EVERYONE had owns a R3 Ramiar filter should contact them demanding an upgrade - Lets face it we ALL paid for a good product and looks look's we don't have one.....:mad:
Want my guess - A bad batch of rubber. I sent the photos to a mate here who makes rubber components (they supply Berretta with recoil pads for example).

He says it looks as if the rubber mix (which Ramair most certainly wont make themselves) is not homogeneous. And btw - I have a pair of K&N's which are just the same - hard and brittle..
These are not hard and brittle they are new, soft to the point of too soft almost like it is made of a silicon type base. The mix is not right. Plus on my first one a closer inspection revealed there are wee air bubbles in the rubber mix which won't help.
Nah never again, obviously no real quality control just as long as it looks good. IMHO.
3. Do they realise they're starting to really look on the nose to a large proportion of their potential market..
Only a tiny amount of their customers read this forum. Maybe they're better off without us!.

I do love it when folk get *****y - especially when abusive. You could invest time in R&D and develop a better one. (yes I know you did - Cost?) Bear in mind the original design was NOT done by RAMAIR - but by a guy on this forum. The fact they were brave enough to make a bespoke product for what is a TINY market speaks volumes. And compared to their other markets we're very very tiny.

As for testing against a Pipercross or ITG - This is like comparing chalk and cheese. I know for a fact that Wayne Tripp was making bespoke one off experimental backplates for his Pipercross experiments. Why - because he offered to sell me one. These were highly complex shapes - NOT FLAT - built in "bellmouths". They are MUCH MUCH bigger. It's like comparing RU2780's to the monster 4040's by K&N.

Standard ITG and Pipercross will require removal of the claw and the overflow bottle. I have an absolute one-off ITG filter that was the predecessor to the RAMAIR. It allows the bottle to stay in place and uses the Triumph bell-mouth rubbers - but the claw WILL NOT FIT. When we asked them to look at the possibility ITG said they would not make one to fit under the claw - and Pipercross I'll guess will say the same. It's why Colin spoke with RAMAIR. The bespoke ITG was also MUCH MUCH more expensive. About 3-4 times the price of a RAMAIR.

So if you don't want to remove the claw. You have 5 choices.

1) Use the entire OEM filtration system (with or without fancy filter - which simply wont be any better than paper)
2) Single under tank filter - using off the shelf Filter. There are loads that will fit.
3) Triple K&N RU2780 - which I freely admit I could not get on with. They're not ideal - the intake air temp sensor is not in the airflow - so expect mix alterations depending on position and airflow. They were not made for the R3 - they simply happen to fit.
4) RAMAIR - made to fit - but it seems currently with some dud examples. And yes they need to investigate.
5) Run open bell mouths

Want different - Then remove the claw and the world is your oyster.
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I am also interested in how the warranty issue plays out. I'm interested in how the company deals with the issue.
Hope this works out well for those involved.
For now I shall stay with my K&Ns.
So basically fit under the claw, looks great, is a nice greased foam which should do well with keeping water out and give documented performance increases. Also have the one drawback of possibly popping off or breaking on install, potentially partly because of user error as at least some use them and have no issues.

I think I'll roll the dice and proceed with adding one and see what happens, I want the temp sensor in play and this seems to be the only game in town except underseat filters for that.