No good , i could not get the Ramair to stay on every time i tightened the clamps it would work off . so i went back to std box under the seat . I just want to get on my bike and ride and don't need any more power so **** it it will stay like this now .
No good , i could not get the Ramair to stay on every time i tightened the clamps it would work off . so i went back to std box under the seat . I just want to get on my bike and ride and don't need any more power so **** it it will stay like this now .
Well guys as you may know my Ramair filter cracked and i received a replacement . But the tight a$$ bastards only sent a filter no fly lead or crankcase filter , so since i sold the replacement i had to remove items from my bike and guess what the crankcase breather filter is cracked too . It is like the rubber is the wrong compound or will not stand the heat or the oil fumes gets to it etc . so i will be buying one for the purchaser from supercheap to get him a complete kit .
No good , i could not get the Ramair to stay on every time i tightened the clamps it would work off . so i went back to std box under the seat . I just want to get on my bike and ride and don't need any more power so **** it it will stay like this now .
I think something's are better left alone, my dear old Dad had a saying don't Fu** around with things you know nothing about, and he was a Heavy Plant Mechanic,
Its like the rubber has got soft or melted , i know i didn't over tighten this one or only get it on half way , i believe it was bad or wrong rubber in these early ones . Well lets hope they have changed it for the new ones .