Nope! It's a shop. Six stationary machines, literally thousands of tools (that's actually an understatement), workbenches, parts cleaners, welding equipment, etc. It's crammed, especially in the winter when I move some stuff from my shed into the shop. It's not a garage because I haven't been able to fit a vehicle in it for over 25 years. It's not big but people are amazed when they see how much stuff is crammed in it. Literally every inch of every wall is covered with tools and tools are even hanging from the rafters. Automotive equipment and lots of woodworking tools, machines, etc. I store the Rocket in my trailer during the winter but I got it out last week. Once I get my big snowblower back in the shed and other stuff that I put in the shop during the winter, I'll have room to work on the Rocket in the shop but not that much. I usually take it outside to work on it. I have to work on my truck and SUV outside too. I need a bigger shop!

In fact, I'm looking at properties in another state with big outbuildings and barns.