Ever wish you stripped out your threads? Diff drain bolt POS

Years ago and a bunch of bikes back, I was passing the time of day with the neighbor when he commented "I guess the bike's been running good." I looked at slightly perplexed "... yeah, not bad..." "I haven't heard you out here cussing lately."
This is how you know if you have a buyer or a wrencher. I live for these moments. This is why by daily rider hasn't been ridden for over 2 years now. Lol. My profile pic. Cb650sc
I will be replacing mine at next oil change. I understand it is an M10 with 1.5 thread. Does anyone know the thread length so i can order out a bolt?
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I will be replacing mine at next oil change. I understand it is an M10 with 1.5 thread. Does anyone know the thread length so i can order out a bolt?
The bolt I replaced was about 16mm but the one I used was 20mm. There is almost 30mm of space from the seat for the bolt and the gear inside.
I measured it
I'm just curious what you were trying to torque it too? I never even get near mine with a torque wrench because none of mine have that low a torque setting. Just a slight snug up while in prayer is how I do it.
I have a 1/4 drive torque wrench so I'm going to use it. Whatever the spec was I'd have to look it up. I just look it up here and go to work.
The shop manual I have says 60nm but it's really 6nm.
NO, its actually 15 Newton Meters which is 11 Foot Pounds. thats what i looked up here, the shop manual actual specifies 60nm. Thats a hilarious joke because that's for the upper fill bolt, not the lower, the oil drain plugs are only 30nm LOL
Yea seen a few but you never think it's going to happen to ... Oh yeah always does
I never torque any lube plugs or small nuts. If frame specific and the nut is 14mm or more I look it up.
Trust my fingers, hands, & feel of the threads on the non critical.
Just sayin' . . IMHO.
I never torque any lube plugs or small nuts. If frame specific and the nut is 14mm or more I look it up.
Trust my fingers, hands, & feel of the threads on the non critical.
Just sayin' . . IMHO.
Never once have I damaged anything by using a proper tool.
I did snap off my ex500's water pump bolt. It's revers thread and turns out most 1/4 drive torque wrenches do not work in reverse.
The key is using a proper tool.
This bolt snapped with basically the pressure of my fingers.