Was there any conclusion on this. I am experiencing the same issue.
On 3rd battery now 1 month after getting bike.
Purchased bike. Original started fine after 7 days sitting. Rode to shops (12kms) and back. Next day dead.
Replaced with new AGM which had not enough charge to start bike off the shelf. Put it on trickle for a few hours and fired right up. Sat for 4 days ok. Then 6 days ok. Then 5 days ok. Then 5 days dead. Trickled for few hours fired up again. Sent to shop which believed it is accessory light draw which was removed. Confirmed no other parasitic draw. 2 days later dead again. Trickled and rode to batt store. Load tested batt and was not the best but still passed however replaced batt on warranty just in case.
Letting new batt sit for another 7 days...fingers crossed it starts this weekend.
If it does not looks like I have run out of ideas like OP of this thread.

hence getting ready for what next$