Actually they are pretty cool. You can pull it off. At 5'9 (Ok 5'8 1/2) and 190 lbs I can't pull it off. Too short and stocky. I was told I look like a coke machine with a head on it so there's that.
I’ve been there once, was not my kind of place. How about these big boy? African Bullfrog. I guess I’m getting known for my footwear but it doesn’t seem to be going in the direction I’d have preferred.
Exactly, frog is to delicate and the standard leather soles are a poor choice for grip. Believe it or not the things I choose to wear must meet the function needed for the job.
Thanks. It was raining yesterday and Sandy and I took her Audi down to Knoxville just to see the new bikes. Those are not riding wear and “stripper “ boots are not daily wear. That would be a little uh uh uh , well you know rhymes with maggot.
I’ll tell you guys if I did not have a TFC coming I would have bought one of those yesterday. Which one? That would be tough. The GT was comfortable but very Harley cruiser-ish. The R was much more aggressive feeling but possibly more tiring on a 300 mile day. Considering the whole idea of a big motor fast bike I’d have to say the R was more true to the idea. Those looking to make a touring model would never even think of the R.
Sandy thought the aesthetics of the new bike was far superior to my old one. I should have taken her picture on it to show you how it would look with Lupe on it.
I went to see new rockets today with the wife. Wife said is does not look as big or mean as the classic I have.
Difference between TFC and stock is TFC has more black bits and probably different tune.
Lots of orders apparently. If I had money to burn, I would have one as well as the classic. My strategy is to find another classic as a spare.
The finish is top notch, but I would be scared of dropping it and scratching it. Swing arm is lovely, I can see why they cut the back to show off the swing arm and wheel
Hope to see and hear a few this spring. No point test riding in winter, can't really push the lean angle
Shame triumph did not organise a track event with some run in bikes so we can experience the capabilities.