Just for info I change out my key Fobs batteries in my cars and my Rocket once a year. I have had the new 'Amazon' battery in the Fobs for 5 months. While out on a ride through the Foothills north of Auburn a month ago I had a quick lunch and I came out and no lights on my instrument panel. The Fob showed it was on lit up all green (albeit a dimmer green) and pretty but the instrument panel did not come on. No lights, no sweeping just blank. I put the Fob under the rear fender and on the third attempt the panel lights up and I started it. I changed the battery when I got home and it works every time now . The moral of the story is to keep an extra battery with your other tools you carry on a trip. Waiting for the engine to turn over using the Fob under the seat can be stressful. It does work but I don't want to have to count on holding the Fob or a key under the seat to get it to start. Usually I'm pretty good at finding nipples by feel although I did have to go under the fender to find them. :cool:
Just for info I change out my key Fobs batteries in my cars and my Rocket once a year. I have had the new 'Amazon' battery in the Fobs for 5 months. While out on a ride through the Foothills north of Auburn a month ago I had a quick lunch and I came out and no lights on my instrument panel. The Fob showed it was on lit up all green (albeit a dimmer green) and pretty but the instrument panel did not come on. No lights, no sweeping just blank. I put the Fob under the rear fender and on the third attempt the panel lights up and I started it. I changed the battery when I got home and it works every time now . The moral of the story is to keep an extra battery with your other tools you carry on a trip. Waiting for the engine to turn over using the Fob under the seat can be stressful. It does work but I don't want to have to count on holding the Fob or a key under the seat to get it to start. Usually I'm pretty good at finding nipples by feel although I did have to go under the fender to find them. :cool:

That's reminded me about a YouTube video on a 'how to' repair the key fob.
Maybe it will be repairable?

That's reminded me about a YouTube video on a 'how to' repair the key fob.
Maybe it will be repairable?

Thank you Sir! This video tells me everything I didn't know. I'm going to do this when I get home. I did call the dealer and its going to be about $250 US for a brand new fob and programing. This is defiantly worth the 10 minutes though. I'll report back.
Thank you Sir! This video tells me everything I didn't know. I'm going to do this when I get home. I did call the dealer and its going to be about $250 US for a brand new fob and programing. This is defiantly worth the 10 minutes though. I'll report back.

Hopefully you will be able to fix it......Fingers crossed...