Not to rub it in on you Northern guys but...

Not going to lie to you it does suck.........however, excessive snow is great for pulling out the skidoo and ripping it up with them, we make do with whatever we can up here, ice-fishing,skiing,outdoor hockey,hunting, it's just a part of life up here. I do remember a guy from Venezuala that I went to college with, his opinion was the weather was always the same where he was from, he really enjoyed watching the changing of the seasons, but lets face it , today SUCKS, its -19C with a -27C windchill, stay inside beside the fire,drink hot toddies and convince the better half to get under the blanket.
Friends house setting and Rocket setting for me!

Now in sunny L.A. W/ fam & heading further South to more heat in Mex.
For me traffic to crazy to rent a ride. Almost might as well be

Great attitude

I hear ya. I know that there is a lot that you can do and that is one d**m pretty place up there and that is for sure and for certain. I just really love riding.

"There ain't nothing like riding motorcycles................... Nothing" (Daveed on a long long time ago)
In all honesty though, I really don't know how you folks from the Northern land of the ice and snow manage to deal with not being able to ride for long stretches of time.

Well let me tell ya. Maybe this will help ya figure it out. Oh ya I almost forgot, a nice bottle of rum to help you hibernate when it gets real cold.
I don't think he can reach that rear brake, if he goes heavy with that front brake its only going to throw more of his weight forward.... Oh now I get it...Brilliant!
I've been using the bike all week with highs in the upper 60's, and for the next three days the highs will be in the low 80's.

Won't be riding though; as I'll be at the hunting camp with my Dad (gotta enjoy him all I can while he's still with us)!

I don't think he can reach that rear brake, if he goes heavy with that front brake its only going to throw more of his weight forward.... Oh now I get it...Brilliant!

I wonder if he also installed a pulsating front brake device !! if he did he becomes a lazy B****
In sunny Mexico but would rather be riding my Rocket.
Thought about renting a motor cycle but traffic and driving attitudes to crazy.
Snowing in Wa state.