also heard you had a quake over that way the other day 2 above this morn. high today 21 tomorrow minus 3 low 19 high plus the wind bikes still fighting over electric cover
Holy Crap Fellas, hold on to your shorts!
Last week we were in the deep freeze, -22F. I woke up this morining and took a look at the thermometer, a whoping 19.4F....Bring out the shorts. Springs a 4 months.
At least in this temperature, I can sit on her and make engine noises without freezing my ass off.
Eight degrees hear heading to a warm 28 degrees.
Took my security cam out of the house and put in garage so I can look at Rocket anytime I feel the need.
Feel bad about removing blanket keeping her warm. Will cover at night.
First time out of the house since Thursday. Still have 6 inches of solid ice in my front yard. I have never ever seen this before in Texas and it isn't even officially winter. So much for the libs global warming.
First time out of the house since Thursday. Still have 6 inches of solid ice in my front yard. I have never ever seen this before in Texas and it isn't even officially winter. So much for the libs global warming.