Not to rub it in on you Northern guys but...

First time out of the house since Thursday. Still have 6 inches of solid ice in my front yard. I have never ever seen this before in Texas and it isn't even officially winter. So much for the libs global warming.

If it is warm enough this weekend we may head your way to see the rare book store your wife told us about.
I know that we who live in the South probably like to poke you guys from the tundra with sharp sticks a lot more than we should. In all honesty though, I really don't know how you folks from the Northern land of the ice and snow manage to deal with not being able to ride for long stretches of time.

It poured cold rain here Sunday, Monday and Tues. Now it's dry and I have electrics so the temp isn't an issue but it is so cold that wherever water is running across the road or leaching up through the pavement there are patches of ice in the morning.

I haven't been on the bike since last Saturday and it is freaking killing me! :mad: I am getting as twitchy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I am still looking at solid ice in places out my office window. Ice is solid on the roof of the garage. Looks like snow but solid as a rock. Been here a full week and it isn't eve winter yet. I just saw a picture of Cairo blanketed in snow. First snow they have had in over 120 years. So much for global warming.
I am still looking at solid ice in places out my office window. Ice is solid on the roof of the garage. Looks like snow but solid as a rock. Been here a full week and it isn't eve winter yet. I just saw a picture of Cairo blanketed in snow. First snow they have had in over 120 years. So much for global warming.

Ice. That reminds me I must stop off and buy some for drinks this afternoon on my return from my ride up through the mountains. She sure is a beautifull day
So ready for the cold weather to be over.

Driving a car is so boring. I doubt I'm the only one feeling heart pain every time they see highway on/off ramps and turn -a-bouts. I find myself setting up the curve as if I was on my Rocket. Wonder if there is a law prohibiting wearing a helmet in a car, rolling down the window and sticking your head out?

I'm getting to that point!