Not to rub it in on you Northern guys but...

Just curious here, Mate.
Melbourne is south of Denmark. Is it generally cooler in Melbourne than in Denmark?
PS 113 F is hot.
Was 119 when I was in Phoenix last year.
The dry low humidity is more tolerable than when in the 90's here in WA State.

Pretty sure Denmark would have cooler weather mate. Got Antarctica just over the horizon.
Pretty sure Denmark would have cooler weather mate. Got Antarctica just over the horizon.

That's what I thought; but, I get confused trying to think upside down. :laugh:
So, generally speaking, farther south the warmer it is in OZ, no?

no you can be any where in OZ and cop the heat more often in the center and up north

$hit! I miswrote!
Further NORTH (closer to equator) the warmer the climate?
Generally warmer in Brisbane than in Melbourne, correctamundo???

I am trying to get a handle on what parts of OZ the weather compares to what parts of the US.
Good idea on the snowmobile track.

Still having 30 - 35 mph wind.:( However tomorrow 6 mph breeze and 51 degrees. Ride baby ride. First ride day in a mouth. :)