I know that changing to a Zard gives a bonkers insane amount of lightness added to the Roadster - I know that BST make gorgeous carbon fibre wheels (wheels are best place to lose weight)
But what else can you do to chop weight out of this gorgeous brick shi*house of a bike..
Handlebars - big lump of pointlessly heavy ferrous alloy.. anyone fitted lightweight aluminium ones like Renthals or the like - what about riding position?
My street Triple was VERY light after I had finished with it, it was just fantastic, handled very well indeed (even better than it did already!) after losing about 15kg.
I dont believe customising the roadster to handle better (by making it lighter) will be defeating the point of a roadster. If you look at it this way - a true street fighter is all about customisation anyway isnt it..?
Here we go again... sorry wallet.. I have been very mean to you in the past, and I fear you are going to feel a bit violated, like when the tax man bends you over..
So - wheels - BST wheelset saves about 7kg.
Zard or similar shortie exhaust save about 9KG
Handlebars, save about a KG at least, and get benefit of vibration absorbtion from decent handlebars
Brake and clutch lever - save about 2-400 grammes over stock with Pazzos or similar
Cost.... omigod dont even want to think about it..
anything else? I am only going for the big ticket things rather than nerdy stuff like titanium bolts with poor cost/value ratio..
Any ideas?