I just shot my bolt - did that rocket 3 have a carbon fibre petrol tank? Oh. My. God.
Yes, with a clock

, I tracked down who made it but have lost the link, the site was mostly in japanese, I think the tank alone was something like 1500 us dollars, I may be wrong tho, it was v pricey but I guess do-able if you could get reasonable money for the original tank, which you should be able to ...
Dont like the blue bars, but black or silver / grey anodized would not be too out of place.. mind you goes with the titanium anodized custom exhaust he has there...
Yep, very nice, I like the blueing on the exhaust tips, but someone mentioned the guy was wearing a red bandana around his knee, presumably to help him with the exhaust heat!

Mmm lots of ideas there, I like the sleek rear light cluster and "Aero" rear plate design..
Yup, very nice indeed!
Reminds me of a similar Japanese kit I had on my large turbo'd Nissan 200SX back in the day. Curiously, it had a smaller engine than my new bike has (but then again, 2 litres pushing near 500bhp is not too shabby) for goodness sake..
I had a 2 litre all steel FI cosworth in my Caterham 7, about 280bhp, tbh any more power and i wouldn't be able to get the power down, oh, those were the days, no speed cameras for a start!
Principle - rear plate is on a hinge - with a spring. Different springs give different hinge rates - i.e. speeds over 70mph (speed limit in the UK) will mean the plate is nearly flat - whereas at up to 70 it is flat and.... more nanny stateish - road legal..
I once toyed with the idea of a triangular revolving number plate a la james bond's aston db!!!

Fantastic link that. It appears this is *the* bike of choice for customization really - from big horsepower to street sleeper, or anything you like really.
I will enjoy it as standard for a little while first though
Yup, maybe run it until the weather turns to crap and bling it out over the winter